
Casey at the bat ESSAY

Decent Essays

1 Kaitlin Harris English 100­002 14/02/14 Too Much Pride Can Kill A Man The game is looking grim, with two outs, Jimmy just safe at second and Flynn barely holding on to his position at third. The sea of people in the stands rose to leave in a defeated, hopeless manner, when one spectator cheered “it's Casey next up at bat!”. The crowd turned in optimism to watch what they had been waiting for all game, Casey at the bat. Casey, the crowd favourite, the only one who could possibly bring the mudville nine any sort of a victory, approached the plate with his chest puffed out in a strong cocky manner. He allowed the first pitch to pass him by, as though it was unworthy of his attention and skill, with the second pitch the …show more content…

Making themselves and Casey blind to any mistakes Casey has and will make. Casey is a baseball player for the mudville nine whose demise as a character is shown because he is too prideful. During the failures of the other batters, the only thing the onlookers can think of is watching the beloved Casey hit the ball. And Casey, himself knows it, “For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat. / There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped into his place; / There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile on Casey’s face” (20­22). Though Casey’s true colours are shown when he allowed the first pitch to pass him right by, as he says ”That ain’t my style”(32). Come the second pitch the same, as though the ball is unworthy of even one more glance, “But still Casey ignored it”(41). There is a very fine line between having self confidence and being conceited, Casey flirts considerably with that latter of the two. Often an over the top display self confidence can be an attempt to try and hide their shortcomings and failures. Casey’s pride is nothing more than self hype. By the end of the poem his character flaws and downsides are revealed entirely. He is so self­inflated and overzealous his pride becomes the only thing on his mind, and in doing so he loses his mighty reputation, “But there is no joy in Mudville ­ mighty Casey has struck out”(53). Pride can kill any man, no matter their

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