
The Sandwich Shop Case Study : Risky Business

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Risky Business The Sandwich Shop case study is focused on the opportunity of a father to help his recently graduated son to glean entrepreneurial experience from a possible business venture. This business venture consists of starting a small sandwich shop that tailors to the students of a nearby college. Students of the college would be able to stop by for small meals in between classes, relaxed reading, or intellectual conversations. Cecil, the father, is a local businessman who does not need the extra money for supplemental income, will provide a limited amount of risk capital to kick-off the business venture in hopes that it can sustain itself in the future. The remaining two thirds capital needed would be provided by venture capitalists. The problem is, how would the possible failure of this business decision affect Cecil’s son who is just starting out in business? All of the facts in the case study indicate that this would be a bad business decision for Cecil, and that he should not proceed with the venture. Description of Problem Although Cecil has good intentions of helping his son, the possibility of the business failing could have lifelong implications on his son’s future endeavors. Ucbasaran, Shepherd, Lockett, and Lyon state that the aftermath of failure is often fraught with psychological, social, and financial turmoil (2012). It is also stated by many, that learning from failure can be a valuable teacher. Therefore, Cecil must consider the character of his son and decide if his son would be able to handle the possibility of failure, and turn it into powerful knowledge; or if his son would feel defeated, and never try again. Consequently, Cecil must educate his son on the alternatives that the failure will provide and create a few optional exit strategies of the venture. In this manner, failure will not destroy the entrepreneurial spirit, but strengthen it. Identification of Alternatives With the possibility of failure in mind, Cecil must consider the possible alternatives and identify them with his son. Investing in the restaurant is the first option. Investing in the purchase of stock would be another option but does not provide the wide range of entrepreneurial experience that Cecil would

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