The world we live and operate BusComm Enterprises in is becoming increasingly smaller as the development of technology allows us to be more in touch with what is happen on a global scale. This allows BusComm Enterprises an opportunity to increase our Corporate Social Responsibility by partnering with a local charitable organization that reaches beyond the boundaries that are drawn a map and helps those who are facing a humanitarian crisis.
The San Diego Brain Injury Foundation (SDBIF) provides resources for brain injury survivors who live in the San Diego area. They provide several services including hospital outreach, a long-term residential care facility, a telephone helpline, and a newsletter to name a few. These services align with their mission of “improving the quality of life for brain injury survivors and their families.”
The Armed Services YMCA of San Diego is one of thirty-three branches where there are programs geared toward young military troops and their families. The services this branch offers include Wounded, Injured, and Ill Services for troops who are hospitalized or outpatients at the Naval Medical Center. Family and Youth Enrichment Services provide camps and after school activities for the family members of troops. Clinical Counseling Support is also offered to junior enlisted service members and their families.
John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods once said "Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own." (Mackey, 2005) In today’s society it is increasingly common for businesses to actively identify and become directly involved in the country and the global social issues and needs. It is now common
After many years of customer requests, Company Q began selling a very limited amount of health-conscience and organic products. When local food banks asked for donations of day-old products, management declined due to worries over employee theft and fraud. If Company Q had looked at this request through the eyes of a socially responsible business, they could have donated the left over products to those in need, which in turn, would have given the perception that Company Q is concerned about the people in the neighborhood. When the residents of a neighborhood see or feel that a company is giving back to the community, they are more willing to patron the business. “The actions of a company color the perceptions, behavior, and well-being of its customers, prospects, and the community at large, affecting its own health as well as that of the world around it.” (McKee, 2012) Employees who work in the grocery store would also feel a sense of pride that their employer is giving back to the people who spend their hard earned money at their store. Employees who are happy and proud of where they work have less
The leading cause of TBIs in military operations is blast waves (Carlson, 2010). The estimation is that 330,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have TBIs and up to ninety percent of these are cause by a blast or explosion. To break down these TBI levels of severity further, Hinds II (2016) states an estimated 82.4 percent are mild, 17.6 percent are moderate, and 8.5 percent are severe.
Let me first provide the landscape of this case study by highlighting that the evolution of the partnership between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the software giant Microsoft Corporation facilitated a strategic and mutually beneficial partnership, as well as shaping the definition today of good corporate social responsibility. The corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative was created back in 1999 as an endeavor at a point in time when Microsoft employees engaged to assist to aid the victims of the Kosovo crisis. The emotional undertaking is referred to as the spark created
According to the Brain Injury Association of America (2010), traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most frequent cause of disability and death among children and adolescents in the United States of America. Approximately 300,000 sports-related brain injuries occur on a yearly basis (Thurman & Guerrero, 1999). Repeated mild brain injuries over an extended period of time could result in neurological and cognitive deficits (Center for Disease and Prevention Control, 2005). Due to these potential long-term ramifications and the increasing rates of concussions, lawmakers have proposed federal and state laws in order to protect the well being of student athletes.
Ms. Flores work is important because she represents a part the bridge in which Anheuser-Busch InBev connects to the global community. She is responsible for many of the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and helps decide where the company's charitable contributions will be most valuable. Deciding where and how to donate back to the community is not always an easy task. There are many potential recipients that represent a charitable investment that could help a social or environmental cause. Sorting through these causes can be a complex and tedious task.
The expectation that businesses behave responsibly and positively contribute to society all while pursuing their economic goals is one that holds firm through all generations. Stakeholders, both market and nonmarket, expect businesses to be socially responsible. Many companies have responded to this by including this growing expectation as part of their overall business operations. There are companies in existence today whose sole purpose is to socially benefit society alongside businesses who simply combine social benefits with their economic goals as their company mission. These changes in societal expectations and thus company purpose we’ve seen in the business community over time often blurs the line of what it means to be socially
or so many years our society has been thinking of forming new creative and innovative businesses, which would be more environmental and customer friendly. Nowadays a large number of different companies follow the social, ethical, as well as moral consequences when it comes to their decision making. One of the relatively new concepts involving economic and social concerns is Corporate Social Responsibility. Many of us apply this approach not only at work, but also in everyday life without even recognizing.
There are several national and local support groups available to help families deal with their life changes. Nationally there is the Brain Injury Association of America who is a “ leading national organization serving and representing individuals, families and professionals who are touched by a life-altering, often devastating, traumatic brain injury” (2010).
One of the most common challenges that my department faces within in the organization is the understating of what a social enterprise is. It is important to familiarize our employees on how a social enterprise supports Benevilla mission of cultivating caring communities. Benevilla is a human service organization that provides assistance to people in the community. Birt’s Bistro is defined as a social enterprise because it provides a gathering place for people in the community and creates revenue that in return goes back into the organization. There are many components that have contributed to our social impact for example our entertainment nights; community club lunch gatherings and meeting space for local businesses and charter schools directors.
Corporate social responsibility has been one the key business buzz words of the 21st century. Consumers' discontent with the corporation has forced it to try and rectify its negative image by associating its name with good deeds. Social responsibility has become one of the corporation's most pressing issues, each company striving to outdo the next with its philanthropic image. People feel that the corporation has done great harm to both the environment and to society and that with all of its wealth and power, it should be leading the fight to save the Earth, to combat poverty and illness and etc. "Corporations are now expected to deliver the good, not just the goods; to pursue
Traumatic brain injury occurs when a person is hit in the head with a blunt force. This significant force to the head can happen playing recreational sports, on the playground, being in a car or motorcycle accident, falling down at home and your head impacting something, a blast or explosion. Traumatic brain injuries are also the leading cause of fatality rate and disability, especially in children, young adults and elderly. TBI is a devastating condition that affects millions of people nationwide, because it can affect the nervous system permanently, it also messes with the neurological, musculoskeletal, cognitive and much more. TBI force a family to deal with not just the physical disability, with the behavioral and emotional roller
In response to the earlier task where all Senior Stakeholder Relationship Representatives were required to settle on a strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partner for BusComm Enterprises, Armed Services YMCA of San Diego is hereby presented as the final choice. The charitable organization offers numerous support services such as assistance to rehabilitate wounded soldiers, free medical and psychological counseling, and programs to aid soldiers and their families. This choice is also based on the known deficit of support to military men and women who frequently suffer from life altering physical and emotional injuries. The Armed Services YMCA is a well-organized and highly rated association, with a rich history of serving since the civil war. It is thus a suitable strategic partner that fits our organizational goals and desire to integrate precedent setting CSR practices. This charity also fits our budget and presents a unique opportunity to serve in a barely exploited area, which will appeal to our shareholders. Conversely, my analysis indicated that Invisible Children would require higher scaling of resources and commitment in order to make an impact while their thematic area may be hard to resonate with our audience. Elsewhere, Community HousingWorks appeared capable of self-funding and represented a fairly common CSR partner who wouldn’t present BusComm Enterprises as any different among peers. It was also my opinion that the San Diego Brain
In spite of all advantages mention earlier about ethically and socially responsible business practice, it also has disadvantages, limitation and challenges. The most common and obvious limitation would be the cost that comes together with every investment a business does in order to meet all publicity’s requirements, for instance setting up Ronald McDonald House Charities. Every business has a goal which is at the top of their goal list and it is to be profitable. What is more, it is challenging to maintain the publicity’s and stakeholders’ satisfaction when investing into the society, employees and the environment.
In other words, serving a social need doesn't necessarily mean the company is giving money to nonprofits that feed the homeless; it means the company invests in the future by innovating products and services that meet social needs and also happen to be profitable. Companies