
The Roles Of Telomeres And Chronic Disease

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The Roles of Telomeres in Eukaryotic Cells During each and every cell replication, chromosomes shrink by a small, but noticeable amount. Because of this, telomeres cap the ends to protect the coding regions of the chromosomes. With each generation of DNA, more and more of the telomere disappears. An enzyme slowly rebuilds them, but it cannot keep up with the degradation during chromosome replication. Eventually the shortened telomeres cause the cell to go through apoptosis (Pierce 2014). Because telomeres are one cause of cell death, it is hypothesized that telomere size can determine the health and age of an individual. Research has shown a correlation between telomere length and chronic disease. Those with chronic diseases usually have significantly shorter telomeres. This raises the questions of what the correlation means. Chronic disease could shorten the telomeres, or short telomeres could cause chronic disease. Another hypothesis exists that shortened telomeres and chronic disease are both caused by another force; they occur simultaneously, but one does not necessarily cause the other. Researchers have also seen a correlation between telomere length and age. Physical age may be derived from the number of cells that have undergone apoptosis. There are a number of things that we can do to prevent telomere reduction. Diet and exercise both play a key role in this. Things that are “bad” for us, such as smoking and stress, increases the rate at which telomeres shorten. By

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