
The Role Of Engineering In The Torah

Decent Essays

Throughout the Torah, there is a prominent form of engineering. G-d constantly asks certain “righteous” people to construct something on a magnificent scale. The big question is, why does G-d ask us to engineer these structures? I believe that the Jews built these monuments not only out of a form of devotion. The reason that the Jews constructed such things as the tabernacle and the first and second temple is because they provided a somewhat permanent connection that can always be rebuilt.
Our first real instance of forming a connection through engineering is found with the holy tabernacle. The tabernacle was the mobile “dwelling place” for G-d as the Jews traveled through the desert. The Jews traveled through the desert hoping that one day they would reach the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey. So then why have this large dwelling place for something that the Jews really couldn’t comprehend? I think that the Jews built it not just because G-d told them too. I mean why does G-d need a dwelling place? He even says “Heaven is my throne” (Isaiah 66:1). The Jews traveled through the desert for years upon years, they needed to have some type of connection to G-d to make the journey. …show more content…

To continue my argument, what happens when these structure are destroyed? That would mean that our connection would be broken. One of my points was the engineering provides us with a connection that can always be rebuilt. That is what is so great about engineering. The first temple created by King Saul is a great example of this. Once the land of Israel was under Judean control, a permanent resting place was needed to be made. The Jews had created a Kingdom, and the tabernacle was no longer enough to sustain a connection to G-d. So a stronger connection was made through the first temple. This temple provided a large place of sacrifice and devotion to G-d. It provided a congregational meeting place as

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