
How Did The Old Covenant Contribute To The Rise Of Christianity

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Jerusalem, a holy city to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is home to three of the largest religious faiths in the world today. Out of the three, Judaism was the first to call Jerusalem its holy city followed by Christianity and Islam many years later. Starting with Abraham and Issac in Genesis 22, Jerusalem was said to be a chosen holy space for the Israelite people. Years later, King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem to represent the presence of Yahweh, his God. Because of unwanted sin, Yahweh allowed the destruction of the first temple and the exile of his elected people to take place during the Babylonian Reign. After a long time passed, Rome conquered Jerusalem and placed King Herod in charge who built the Second Temple of Jerusalem to again signify the presence of God. …show more content…

Then came Jesus of Nazareth who, for the Christians, represents the change from the Old to the New Covenant. Christians believe that Jesus “was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into Hell; [and on] the third day He rose again from the dead” (Apostles Creed). Jesus Christ’s death was significant as it allowed for God to connect with anyone anywhere and marked the beginning of the New Covenant that whoever would believe in Jesus would have everlasting life (John 3:16). Through its significant location, architecture, and traditions, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is kinetic through its representation of Christianity superseding Judaism in the shift from Old to New Covenant and interrelated through its impact in the rivalry between Christianity

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