
The Role Of Empathy In John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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“Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.” (Mohsin Hamid) The 1937 novel by John Steinbeck, tells the story of George and Lennie who work on a farm with Slim, Carlson, Whit, Candy, Curley, Crooks and the boss, as well as Curley’s wife. Lennie has a mental disability and love to pet small, soft things, he means no harm and is very forgetful, but when he does something horrible, on accident, George has no other option but to do something Lennie would have never thought George would’ve done.Through the characters Crooks, Curley's wife, and Lennie, John Steinbeck says empathy is needed to cure cruelty.
Crooks is a black man who lives on the side of the barn, on the ranch, and receives the most cruelty and hate, just because …show more content…

Crooks and Curley’s wife are kind to him because he treats them kind in return. He wasn’t allowed to talk to Curley’s wife or Crooks, but he did anyway. Lennie loves soft things, and he acts like a child, but he can’t help it. “I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail.” (Steinbeck 7) George takes care of Lennie because he doesn’t have anyone else, neither of them do, but it becomes hard for him when he has to repeatedly remind Lennie of things. George doesn’t understand what it’s like for Lennie when he’s trying to pay attention and listen, no one really does, but if he were to think of how hard it is for Lennie maybe he could get a concept of how much harder it really is for Lennie than it is for George. “I done another bad thing… Ain’t you gonna give me hell?” (Steinbeck 113) Lennie consistency gets yelled at for things done on accident, he isn’t like the other guys on the ranch, he needs help understanding things and doesn’t remember things well, and he’s more empathetic. It was very wrong of Lennie to kill Curley's wife, but it was on accident and he didn’t understand what he was doing until it was over, he didn't deserve to be killed in return, especially by the one person who he though always had his back. Lennie is more vulnerable than the other characters and needs time to understand and remember things, he didn’t deserve to die and he only wanted to tend rabbits, it was never his intention to kill the pup, Curley’s wife for the mice, but if the other men could understand, maybe he would still be alive, and live somewhere far away with George and tend his own

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