
The Role Of Algorithmic Media On Audiences And Society

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Algorithmic media have a kind of power, however this power largely remains invisible to the audience or user who instead interact with the information that the algorithm sorts and delivers. Instead where this power manifests and consolidates is on platforms that draw the attention of audiences and revolve around the role played by algorithms. Using institutional theory, automodernity, and the concept of algorithmic publics, we can start to map out a growing and potential field of research that attempts to measure and explore the growing role and influence of algorithmic media on audiences and therefore society. Especially when in the form of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. Tarleton Gillespie (2010) is a vocal critic of the evolving relationship between the new media industries and their audiences, in particular drawing issue with the use of the word “platform”, arguing that it provides a false vision of “technical neutrality and progressive openness” (360) when the reality is quite the opposite. Rather than regard platforms as a level playing field we should instead regard them as what they are, slanted towards the interests of the owner, serving specific commercial needs and interests. Gillespie argues in a later paper (2015) that platforms exercise considerable power in their ability to make interventions, whether that involves shaping how the platforms are used, or more importantly deleting content or users of the platform itself. They internalize the

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