
Analysis: A Bomb On The Doorstep

Better Essays

As our world transforms from analog to digital, we must reevaluate our concepts of media platforms and the ways in which they shape the content users are exposed to and their overall experience. One way to navigate the effect that medium has on the user’s understanding of content is to choose one source to analyze over two different media platforms. I chose to read a New York Times article— ‘A Bomb on the Doorstep’: Fishermen Fight a Venezuelan Oil Giant by Kirk Semple— on two separate platforms. The first being a physical, print NYT newspaper and the second being the NYT website on my iPhone 8 Plus. The comparison of analog and digital highlights the differences in content and even more so, user experience. After analyzing the effects of the two media platforms, I have deduced that the digital experience provided more meaningful content as well as, an enhanced understanding due to multimedia features and access to additional context. How much does the medium …show more content…

For example, one of the pages I had to flip through to get to the article on page A4 was titled, Dispatches from the DMZ and was about a journalists experience in the area between North and South Korea which clearly has little to do with, A Bomb on the Doorstep’: Fishermen Fight a Venezuelan Oil Giant. One of the many hyperlinks in the article was, “amid soaring inflation and a national economy in free fall” which linked to a NYT article titled In a Venezuela Ravaged by Inflation, ‘a Race for Survival’. When thinking about platforms it is important that we consider, “how things and matter produce action and meaning in the world” (Benson-Allott 4). Not only was this content about Venezuela but offered context about the economy to help me better understand the meaning of the original

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