
The Rider Naomi Shihab Nye Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The author brings ideas that I related to the word loneliness. Sometimes I feel loneliness, but this poem is no about me but it relate in what happened to me. The Rider by Naomi Shihab Nye is a short poem. This poem attach the reader. The author try to tell the reader the theme and I think the theme of this poem is escaping loneliness. The first time a read this poem I get an image of a boy roller-skating down a hill as fast as he can as normal children. The author of this poem tells the reader you could ever get free of your loneliness. You are not going to separate yourself from your loneliness. You never feel it again and you never have to worry over it. The author tell us about a boy who told him/her that if “he roller skated fast enough,

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