
Simon Armitae Mother Any Distance

Decent Essays

As individuals age, their relationships with their parents often undergo significant changes. This is a common theme explored in literature, as seen in the poems "Mother, any distance" by Simon Armitage and "Walking Away" by Cecil Day-Lewis. Both poems offer contrasting views on the process of aging and the impact it has on parent-child relationships. Firstly, in "Mother, any distance," Armitage portrays the relationship between a mother and her adult child who is moving away from home. The speaker in the poem acknowledges the emotional bond between them, but also expresses a sense of independence and the need to establish his own life. The use of physical distance as a metaphor for emotional distance highlights the conflicting emotions of …show more content…

"Mother, any distance" focuses on the independence and self-discovery that comes with aging, while "Walking Away" emphasizes the emotional complexity of letting go and watching a loved one grow up. In "Mother, any distance," the speaker's journey towards independence is portrayed as a natural and necessary part of the aging process. The act of measuring and cutting the distance between himself and his mother symbolizes the gradual detachment and separation that often occurs as children grow older. This sense of distance and separation contrasts with the unbreakable bond of love that still exists between mother and child, highlighting the conflicting emotions that can arise as individuals age. In contrast, "Walking Away" explores the emotional turmoil that parents experience as they witness their child taking their first steps towards independence. The speaker reflects on the passage of time and the inevitability of change, highlighting the pain of letting go and the struggle to come to terms with their child growing up. The poem captures the universal experience of parents watching their children leave the nest and embark on their own journeys, a moment that is both heartbreaking and

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