
The Reproductive Justice Issues

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Currently, in the State of Michigan, there is an additional 6% sales tax that is imposed on menstruation items like pads and tampons. Senate Bill 0091 which was reintroduced by Senator Rebekah Warren on February 1st, 2017 was created in response to Michigan’s gendered tax system. In summary, this bill along with SB 0092 would eliminate the current sales tax and use tax that classify feminine hygiene products as “optional” or as “luxury items.” This paper seeks to further examine how women are directly impacted by this reproductive justice issue by providing a micro-level assessment. Furthermore, an examination of how community agencies are affected by lack of access to feminine hygiene products will be explored in addition to a macro-level …show more content…

As a result, this reproductive injustice limits access to basic necessities like pads and tampons for a large portion of women. Physically, individuals who incorrectly use such products due to limited access are also at a higher risk of health problems like Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) which can have long lasting affects (Durkin, 2017). Senate Bill 0091 which was reintroduced by Senator Rebekah Warren on February 1st, 2017 and Senate Bill 0092 sponsored by Senator David Knezek were created to address this inequity that threatens the health and economic well-being of women in Michigan. In summary, these bills if passed would eliminate the current sales tax and use tax that classify feminine hygiene products as “optional” or as “luxury items.” Micro-Level Assessment Menstruation is nearly a universal life experience for all females. The average woman uses approximately 12,000 to 15,000 non-reusable feminine hygiene products in their lifetime (Weir, 2015). Moreover, women spend around 7 dollars on average for a box of tampons on a monthly basis (Durkin, 2017). This cost does not include additional state government imposed taxes on feminine hygiene products which adds an additional economic burden. In Michigan, tampons are classified as “optional luxury items” by the General Sales Tax Act and there is an imposed tax of 6% on top of the purchase price (S.B. 0091, 2017). According to the Senate Committee on Finance, this sales tax

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