The Renaissance: Mannerism
In 1517, the Catholic Church split into two branches of Christianity: Protestantism and Catholicism. Martin Luther’s list of grievances, called the 95 Theses, listed the issues with the Catholic Church. These problems include the rigid hierarchy in the Church that ultimately promoted an elitist culture within the religion. Almost all Christian Bibles were written in Latin, meaning only the wealthy and educated could have a relationship with God. Additionally, Luther and his followers believed that Christian art produces idolatry and therefore distracts an individual from developing a personal relationship with God. This clashes with the Catholic belief that visual imagery promotes piety, ultimately heightening one’s chances of going to Heaven if an individual chooses to be a patron to Christian art. As a result, Pope Paul III held a series of meetings over the course of almost twenty years. Called the Council of Trent, these meetings lasted from 1545 to 1563 and consisted of various Catholic leaders seeking to improve the Church’s declining reputation. This Catholic Counter-Reformation paved way for new forms of art. One of these forms of art is Mannerism. Derived from the Italian word “maniera” meaning “manner” or “style,” the style first developed in Italy and spread to other countries. This form of art started in the 1520 and lasted until about 1600, a time period in which many know as the late Renaissance. Supported by the elite class,
The Renaissance period was from roughly the 14th century to the 17th century of the common era (CE) beginning in Italy later spreading throughout Europe. The word Renaissance comes from the original Italian word "Rinascimento" or "rinascere" which means "to be reborn" according to Harper (2012).
The Renaissance began in the 1300’s and brought with it many new ideas and ways of thinking. The main one of these ideas being humanism, or that the best that a man can be is greater than the idea of theology. The Italians began to spread this idea and it began to grow. The Italians decided that the best way to express and spread the idea of humanism during the Renaissance was through their sculptures and paintings. This can be seen in many works of art from this time period such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, The School of Athens by Raphael, and Michelangelo's David.
Facial Characteristics are one thing that was beginning to get popular. During the Renaissance new art and new art styles were being made. One of the styles was detail. Detail was something that was not used often before the Renaissance, but over time it became a necessary feature in any art piece.
Success of the Council of Trent in the years 1545-1563 in Tackling the Problems Confronting the Catholic Church
“Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.. but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee, 10). In the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the author writes about the life of a lawyer and his kids, Scout Finch and Jem Finch, while they grow and mature in Maycomb, Alabama, in the 1930’s. Scout is a hotheaded, 6-year-old tomboy who is prone to fighting for her family and making assumptions about people before thinking about their perspective. Jem is a growing, 10-year-old boy who believes that since everyone is equal in his household despite their ethnicity, no matter what color you are in Maycomb, people won't think differently of you.
Accountability and Responsibility are two of the most important skills that a clinical nurse can display. These skills are taught beginning in nursing school, when learning about the ethical framework behind the nursing profession. Nursing is a skillful combination of science and art that places patient preferences above everything else. Not everyone has the unique ability to be caring and medically savvy. The American Nurses Association defines accountability as the ability to be answerable to oneself and others for one’s own actions (Battie & Steelman, 2015). Accountability plays a huge role in patient care and the process of learning the skills of nursing. Student nurses learn that nurses should be accountable for all actions, delineation of tasks to supportive staff, as well as nursing interventions. Responsibility is also intertwined with this idea of being accountable for one’s own actions. Responsibility refers to the specific accountability or liability associated with the performance of duties of a particular role. Nurses can either accept or reject specific role demands based upon their education, knowledge, competence, and extent of experience (Code of Ethics, 2015). This paper will discuss accountability and responsibility of nurses delving into assessing one’s own competence, techniques of learning responsibility, and the future of nursing accountability.
As means to start such reform, Pope Paul III, initiated The Council of Trent. The gathering amongst high-ranking churchmen took place from 1545-1563 and was held for two primary purposes. The council was mustered to determine a plan to combat Protestantism and how Catholics would compromise with them and to reform the Catholic Church by clarification of the doctrine and define the central articles of faith. Through The Council of Trent, the strength of the Catholic doctrine increased, and there became a higher stress placed on the importance of the visual arts. The council was successful in developing a doctrine that outlined the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism and created
The painting "The Assumption of the Virgin" has a mannerism influence. Mannerism was a XVI century art style influenced by, and at the same time a reaction to, the harmonious ideals of the Italian High Renaissance. Mannerism is notable for its artificial ( as opposed to naturalistic ) qualities which favor compositional tension and instability rather than the balance and clarity of earlier Renaissance painting.
The Renaissance period is known for the revival of the classical art and intellect born in ancient Greece and Rome. The Renaissance is also a time that is marked by growth, exploration, and rebirth. The Italian Renaissance started in Florence and progressively made its way into Venice and then into the great city of Rome. During the Renaissance, Rome was home to some of the most renowned works of art and the finest architectural masterpieces in the world - too many that still holds true today. Along with the delicate architecture and grand artistry, Rome was also home to a mixture of people and cultures. It is in this cultural context and through the book A Street Life in Renaissance Rome: A Brief History with Documents, that understanding how men, woman, and specifically Jews and Christians lived in Rome becomes important to better understand this period of renewal.
Titian style can be recognizable through his works for his unique without focus of the outlines and depending more towards highlights of colors. This was the outcome from the influence from living between Mannerism and Baroque era. During the beginning of Titian career, he was an apprentice with a few famous painters before him. Some include Gentile and Giovanni Bellini in Venice, eventually partnered with Giorgione for the majority for the first few years. Until, their partnership cut short when Giorgione died in 1511.One of Titians surviving fresco, Fondaco dei Tedechi, only work that was recorded to be collaborated with Giorgione. After the death of his partner, Titian continues to paint masterworks until 1576 from a fever. Very few drawings were from Titian, however he dominated control of color in oil paintings. The biggest influences in Titian pieces are driven to neither religious nor mythological.
- (1527-1625), Italian painter, who specialized in portraits and was an important role model for other female Italian artists
Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries. The procedure involves the use of implants or fat-transfer to increase breast size/volume. A major application for this surgery involves reconstruction for patients who have undergone a mastectomy. Even if done for reconstruction, all breast augmentations are cosmetic. However, the majority of health insurance providers do not cover costs of cosmetic surgeries, or even complications due to surgery, because they are largely elective procedures. Furthermore, some insurance companies may even refuse to pay for treatment of breast disease in women who have received a breast augmentation. According to, the average cost of a breast augmentation is $3,708, with many surgeons offering payment plans for the procedure.
The artistic style of Mannerism began in Florence and reigned from the early 1520’s until about 1590 where it had been widely spread in Northern Europe. Early Mannerist period art is known for its anti-Renaissance style which over time developed into a more intellectual style designed to appeal to a more sophisticated patron. Artists of this time, such as Correggio, Fiorentino and Parmigianino, were followers of the Renaissance masters. Mannerism was an artistic approach that focused on the human form, depicted in intricate poses with exaggerated and not always realistic settings. This style is the first observation of artists using an individual way of painting, the personal vision and pictorial understanding of their world.
When the artistic culture flourished in Rome and Florence during the 16th century, the Republic of Venice excelled in architecture and sculpture. The most known architecture of northern Italy was Andrea di Pietro della Gondola also known as Palladio. As a young boy, Palladio worked as a sculptor in Veneto, his home town, until he turned 16. He later moved to Vicenza and became an employee of a Mannerist Architect, Michele Sanmicheli, where he specialized in decorative sculpture and monuments. Palladio made many visits to Rome, he studied the ruins of the ancient city and High Renaissance buildings. His work reflected the classical symmetry that the Romans admired which they inherited from the Greeks. His style spread across Europe, after his Four Books of Architecture was published in 1570. The Palladian style became very popular not even in England but also among the North American architects.
The Renaissance time was a hard transitioning time that no one today has lived long enough to tell. Today we base the past on the evidence that we find such as books, art, plays, scripts, and really anything that can be found in those times. Everything is so scarce but very important. Relationships between parents and children is also something to think about. Have you ever been just a bit curious about how in today’s time we may act different than from those times? In today’s modern world it depends on what age you are to determine the relationship with parents and children. What about the Renaissance times though?