Interesting thread, especially when you pointed out, "attachment theory is now more a regulation theory" (Schore and Schore, 2008). The regulation theory is a Marxist economic theory where regulation does not actually speak about rules and regulations, but self-regulation mechanisms of a system (Wu, 2016). It deals with social, cultural, political (Schore and Schore, 2008). As a professional counselor, we use the regulation model of attachment theory to include adult attachment anxiety and adult attachment avoidance. Adult attachment anxiety is the fear of interpersonal rejection and abandonment and excessive needs for approval from others, negative view of self, and hyperactivation of affect regulation strategies in which the individual over-reacts
Attachment Theory for Childcare Providers: An Annotated Bibliography Mardell, B. (1992). A Practitioner’s Perspective on the Implications of Attachment Theory for Daycare Professionals. Child Study Journal, 22(3), 121-128. Retrieved from
The Development of Attachment Theory and Its Strengths and Limitations English psychiatrist John Bowlby is a leading and influential figure within the history of social reform. His work has influenced social work policies and legislation relating to child psychiatry and psychology. Bowlby was trained as a psychoanalyst, and was influenced by Freudians theories, but became influenced again in his attachment theory by the work of ethologists. The ethologists theory concentrates on looking at the role parents play rather than only the child. Bowlby believes that parenting has strong ties with biology and it explains why there are such strong emotions attached.
The Extent to Which Psychological Theories Have Been Successful in Explaining Attachments There are various psychological theories to regard as which have been successful in explaining attachments and I will be explaining the majority of them. Sigmund Freud developed a theory of personality - an explanation of how each individual's personality develops. This theory can be used to explain many aspects of behaviour, including attachment. Feud proposed that attachment grows out of the feeding relationship. In essence Freud claimed that infants are born with an innate drive to seek pleasure.
Despite all the benefits of the three theories, they do have some limitations when addressing Andrew’s needs. For instance, attachment theory puts too much emphasis on the relationship between the mother and the chid, which unfortunately result in blame being put on the female caregiver (Coady & Lehmann, 2008). In Andrew’s case, the counsellor may focus too much on the relationship he had with his mother instead of also focusing on what kind of relationship he had with his father. One of the limitations for cognitive-behavioural theory regarding to treatment is that it may not be appropriate for clients with severe depressions or other sever problems (Coady & Lehmann, 2008). For Andrew’s case, if he was still taking his medications, he may
EFT is an attachment based research theory, that suggest that couples have strong need to stay connected (bond) to each other. As such, bonding is very important in marital relationships and if the bond is disappearing, then stressful and negative cycle pattern begins to emerge. Thus, the goal of EFT is to support couples walk through a process of healing (overcoming the negative patterns, rebuilding the connection again, and fortify the bond) (Goldenberg, Stanton, & Goldenberg, 2017). From the assessment that has carried out by the therapist it is clear that Tam and Lisa do not have what it takes to manage or settle conflicts without it escalating into something else. As such, the bonding between them is disappearing and it’s becoming stressful and disturbing to them and their children. Because Jimmy and Emma even though do not see their parent fight or disagree in the open but they can sense the disconnection between their parent and feel the tension whenever both of them where at home. More so, because of the negative pattern that has emerge as a result of lack of secure attachment, there is no more interactions between the couple and each others needs are not met. From the case conceptualization, and to decide what treatment plan should target or focus on the therapist will use the step-by-step treatment manual provided by Johnson and Greenberg (1995) as cited in (Goldenberg et al., 2017) for the therapy process:
Attachment Theory, as many other theories concerning child development, was originally created to help us understand the patterns of how children normally learn to negotiate interpersonal relationships. It has proven of great explanatory value in helping us understand the role of relationships with caregivers in the socialization process and has had important practical applications for improving orphanages and foster care. Applying it to children with disabilities, though, is not a straightforward process, as the original form of Attachment Theory makes certain ableist assumptions about, for example, the ability of children to use senses such as sight and hearing to identify individual caregivers. In applying Attachment Theory to infants with
The attachment theory is a theory by Bowlby that refers to the joint mutual relationship that babies experience and develop with their primary caregiver (Bowlby, 1982). This theory is not supported by research in various sceneries. However, even though the attachment theory began as an initiative, the clinical application to the daily clinical understanding of adult mental health complications has penned red behind the current available research. I believe that the theory can give valuable insight into both the developing nature of recognized psychiatric disorders as well as in the development of the therapeutic relationship in adults. My position provides an overview of (a) the application of attachment theory to diverse psychopathologies
Attachment Theory is a psychological, evolutionary, and ethological theory that deals with human relationships. An essential aspect of Attachment Theory is that children must develop a relationship with a parent or guardian to develop normal and social behavior. In Attachment Theory, an infant's behavior is associated with attachment seeking the attention of its caregiver in specific situations. Infants develop an attachment to responsive adults involving social interactions, who remain consistent with them from about six months to two years of the infant's age. During the infant's development with an adult, they become familiar and used to their caregiver, seeing them as a secure base to venture from and return to.
The discourse of “incest” is considered almost universally as taboo and so is the study of the phenomena of sexual relations between closely related individuals in its diverse manifestations. Literary texts at length have tried to explore incest as social and psychological deviance but the discussion moves to the margins of the narrative into unspoken or rather “unspeakable” territory. The mainstream discourse prevents the writers from representing and speaking about the theme of incest explicitly. It remains restricted to a marginal space and can be understood only through a deep exploration of the individual characters and the narrative style of the text.
Lastly, we have social control theory that is when an individual cultivates a conscience concern for those around them and the approval of social norm but, there must be four elements that involve belief, commitment, involvement and attachment. Those four elements all have a binder that strengthens or weakens a relationship in society or a person's life (Hickey, 2016). Social control theory states that an individual does not commit murder due to fear of punishment. In social control theory attachment, it must be built towards associates, classmates and other individuals in society to build that responsibility for those around them. Knowing they are committed to their goals and what they have received from reaching them will convince a criminal
Attachment theory is a psychological model that provides an influential, biologically driven explanation of how the parent-child interaction emerges and how it influences human development over a life span. The term attachment refers to the complex set of related thought processes and behaviors towards a primary care giver. The attachment behaviors are biologically guided by our natural instinct for protection and safety. This evolved behavioral system organizes human motivation, emotions, cognition, and memory. The attachment relationship that an individual creates in infancy effects their growth, behavior in other relationships, risk taking, and mental health through their human development (George, 2014, p. 97). I chose to use attachment theory to understand Carla’s current situation because the theory has been powerful in understanding the range of relationships patterns that develop between mother and their infants and children. It has been shown that children who experience inadequate parenting are at a much higher risk for an insecure attachment style and experience more interpersonal difficulties in adulthood especially with relationships. Carla grew up in a very inconsistent environment her whole life. Using attachment theory I am analyzing how her childhood shaped who she is as a woman and the choices she made that ultimately brought her to where she is today.
John Bowlby, the backbone of attachment theories will be discussed throughout this essay to explain and evaluate the key theories of attachment. Health and well-being which is made up of four factors ‘physical, intellectual, emotional and social ' (Jones, 2016), will also be discussed within the essay. The definition of attachment is ‘an act of attaching or the state of being attached. ' (Dictionary, 1400) This will be showed in the assignment, using theorists to analyse the meaning. Sharing the strengths and weaknesses in some theorists will help conclude this assignment.
Many psychologists have come and gone, and many different theoretical orientations have been developed. With each orientation has come a new perspective on development, behaviour and mental processes. Some are similar, yet others could not be more contradictory. Attachment is one such theoretical orientation, developed by John Bowlby out of his dissatisfaction with other existing theories. Although Bowlby rejected psychoanalytical explanations for early infant bonds, the theory of attachment was influenced in part by the principles of psychoanalysis; in particular the observations by Ana Freud and Dorothy Burlingham of young children separated from
Researchers have been looking at theories to show how important relationships are in people’s lives and attachment theory has allowed them to understand human behavior in a variety of ways. Feelings, such as anger and romantic love, can be directly correlated to the attachments received as a child.
The purpose of this chapter is to review, analyze, and synthesize various scholarly literature pertaining to the thesis topic. In order to better understand the impact of intersectionality as a whole, it is helpful to review certain factors both individually and collectively. This paper reports how and why disadvantaged women of color may be influenced by their interconnected racial, socioeconomic status, and gender identities. The focus group includes African American, Latina, and Native American women with a low socioeconomic status. The scholarly literature includes, but is not limited to, research on gender inequality, the effects of poverty in education, college readiness, racial disparities, and the power of inclusion.