The regional public health office will be assembled to meet the needs of Chula City, to provide programs and community interventions that administer evidence-based prevention and healthcare services to improve the health of the population. The new public health office will be guided by the key functions necessary for public health services to include; (1) monitoring of health of the population, (2) diagnose and investigate health problems in the community, (3) mobilize partners to solve health problems, (4) develop plans and policies for health, (5) enforce laws and requirements for safety and health, (6) inform and educate the community on health issues, (7) assure that the workforce is competent, (8) link people to other services that …show more content…
With this intention, local public health offices in the surrounding area have agreed to provide training and services as needed for emergency preparedness and drug/alcohol programs. Moreover, other programs and services will be contracted out; lab services for HIV/TB/STD screening and cancer screening, treatment of HIV/AIDS/TB, and lead inspection regulation program (NACCHO, 2008).
Budget Justification
Regional in Kind: Operational/Infrastructure and Staff
The regional public health office will absorb the costs associated with operations and materials associated with programs; this would include HIV testing materials, immunization supplies, program supplies, primary healthcare, child and maternal health, population based primary prevention to include child and maternal health. Emergency preparedness coordinator is not included in the proposed staff, since the regional office has determined that they have the capacity to assist if needed, provide training, and will be doing outreach in Chula City as a regional effort.
Budgeted Staff
.75 FTE Public Health Physician: responsible for overseeing primary, child and maternal health clinical services that is associated with clinic visits and referrals. This person will be the health practitioner for the clinic and is also responsible for providing expertise to the communicable/infectious disease program
Peace Memorial Hospital is a 600-bed, independent, not-for-profit, general hospital located on the southern periphery of a major western city. It is one of six general hospitals in the city and twenty in the county. After doing much research, the Board of Directors has decided that they should open an ambulatory location in the downtown area, to be known as the Downtown Health Clinic (DHC). The clinic will have 4 major objectives: “1. To expand the hospital’s referral base, 2. To increase referrals of privately insured patients, 3. To establish a liaison with the business community by addressing employers’ specific health needs, and 4. To become self-supporting three years after opening” (Kerin
the population that the health center caters to must be identified as an unserved or underserved one
Establishment - The Secretary establishes the Public Health Workforce Loan Repayment Program to assure an adequate supply of public health professionals in Federal, State, Local, and tribal public health agencies.
Overall, public health is concerned with protecting the health of entire population (CDC Foundation). From this definition, one can see that SFDPH has thrived in the CDC’s definition based on its mission, vision and mandate for the city. Moreover, the SFDPH provides other myriad of services which include, but not limited
The public health organization that I have chosen to describe is Rockwall County Helping Hands. Rockwall County Helping Hands is the primary social service provider for the residents of Rockwall County and was founded in 1976 by Bob Reeves, pastor of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Rockwall. Rockwall County is located in North East Texas and has a population of approximately 88,000 residents. Some important milestones in the agency’s history are the opening of its own Health Center in 2000, instituting prenatal services for women who do not qualify for Medicaid and the establishment of a Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) clinic for victims of rape and sexual assault.
Next on the MAPP four assessments is Local Public Health System Assessment. Local Public Health System Assessment focuses on all of the organizations and entities that contribute to the public 's health. The LPHSA answers the questions: "What are the components, activities, competencies, and capacities of our local public health system?" and "How are the Essential Services being provided to our community?"(NACCHO, 2017). Any organization or entity that contributes to the health or well-being of a community is considered part of the public health system. Ideally, a group that is broadly representative of these public health system partners will participate in the assessment process. By sharing their diverse perspectives, all participants will gain a better understanding of each organization’s contributions, the interconnectedness of activities, and how the public health system can be strengthened (National Public Health Performance Standards Program, 2017). Essentials services should be provided to the community through community outreach programs. Community outreach programs provide the community with many informational resources not just in the aspect of healthcare alone but the overall well-being of
Kalamazoo County Department of Health and Human Services agency is the host to many assistance programs and services that aid in the advancement of our community. The organization was originally created in 1965 and was named “Department of Social Services” (, 2017). In 1995 it was renamed “Family Independence Agency”; in April 2015, Governor Snyder decided that the Department of Human Services (DHS) would merge with the Department of Community Health (DCH) to create the Department of Health and Human Services. Hence the name Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) was born. The DHHS office “provides public assistance, child, and family welfare services, and oversees health policy and management”
According to" Public Health Infrastructure - Healthy People" (n.d.), "Public health infrastructure includes 3 key components that enable a public health organization at the Federal, Tribal, State, or local level to deliver public health services. These components are:
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals will be examined in this investigative research paper. Their mission according to their website, “is to protect and promote health and ensure access to medical preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana.” Their organizational goals are to provide quality services. As well protect and promote health, develop and stimulate services by others. Lastly, in order to fulfill its mission utilize available resources in the most effective matter. The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is led by an appointed structured leadership with years of experience. An important issue is the Affordable Care Act and it influence on Louisiana health care. The Honorable Governor Bobby Jindal is an outspoken opponent of Affordable Care Act and has composed is own version in Louisiana. The impact of ACA will be assessed. The Office of Public Health Center for Community and Preventive Health will be assessed on how it is organized to accomplish its statutory objectives.
The entities Comprising the Public Health Infrastructure include: County and city health departments and local boards of health - State, territorial, and island nation health departments - Various U.S. Public Health Service agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) - Tribal health agencies coordinated at HHS by the Indian Health Service - Public and private laboratories - Hospitals and other private-sector healthcare providers - Volunteer organizations, such as the American Red Cross, American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society.
Jennifer Smith works for El Paso Public Health, located at south central region Colorado Springs. El Paso Public Health provides several services for the community, individual and family. El Paso Public Health provides services such as educating communities from infectious diseases, food safety, medical resources and tobacco prevention. Secondly, El Paso Public Health provides different programs and services for women and family such as WIC (Women, Infant and Children), Child Health Care Programs, Clinical Services and Immunizations for family. Other programs and services also includes birth and death records, system inspection or other specific records, public health concerns and child care services. (ElPasoCountyHealth)
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) defines medically underserved area as ranking low on a scale that involves physicians per 1000 people, infant mortality rate, percentage below poverty level, and population >65 years old. 9 The HHS defines medically underserved population as that which includes “economic barriers (low income or Medicaid-eligible populations or cultural/linguistic access barriers to primary medical care services.” 9 According to the American Pharmacist Association, approximately 85% of US states have 61-100% of counties with medically underserved areas. 11 “28% of poor, 23% of near poor…[lack] health insurance coverage,” which is much higher than the national percentage of 13%.6 When reviewing the risk factors for vaginitis such as lack of health insurance, tobacco use, lack of bachelors degree, Hispanic origin, etc., many of the women suffering from the condition fall under the category of the underserved population as defined above. This means that clinics with the purpose of treating underserved areas and populations must have a heightened awareness of the prevalence and significance of vaginitis and must be interested in staying up to date on the most efficient medical practice strategies given the patient population.
Services are provided through state, county, and local health departments; community health centers; Planned Parenthood centers; and hospital-based, school-based, faith-based, other private nonprofits (Fowler, Lloyd, Gale, Wang & McClure, 2012). In
In the NYC Health Department of health and mental hygiene, the role in running the local health department efficiently are the Commissioner, President and CEO, Professor, Dean, Director, Medical consultant, Administration, Physicians, Surgeons, Chair, researchers and member of Board of Health. These Position work together in many different conducts and they are an important positions of the NYC Health Department of health and mental hygiene. All these positions depend upon each other to run the health department and provide quality care to public’ s health. These group of people work together in many forms and one of them is
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention mission is to collaborate to create information and tools for people and communities to protect themselves through health promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability, and the preparedness for new health threats The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeks to accomplish its mission by working with partners throughout the nation and the world to monitor health, detect and investigates health problems, conduct research to enhance prevention, develop and advocate sound public health policies, implement prevention strategies, promote health behaviors, foster safe and healthful environments, and provide leadership training. In order for the Centers for Disease to achieve their mission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention relies on external partners including public health association, state and local public health agencies, schools and universities, and volunteer organizations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a created a set of four health protection goals. The goals are all people especially those at a greater risk of health disparities will achieve their optimal life span, the place where people live, work, learn, and play will protect and promote their health and safety, people in all communities will be protected from infectious, occupational environmental, and terrorist threats, and people around the world will