
The Red Iceberg The Cold War Analysis

Decent Essays

Lucy Swanson
Hon. English 10
8 June 2016

Mao Zedong once said, “Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy”. This claim was widely explored in the Cold War. Zedong's quote addresses the forceful tactics that the Soviet Union used to spread communism and the tensions between the Soviet Union and United States generally. The Cold War from about 1945-1991 was a series of conflicts due to tension between the communist and capitalist ideologies. It was a war between the United States who lead the democratic states and the Soviet Union who lead the communist side. The two different democratic and communist governments fought through many proxy wars. The Korean War is an example of one of the Cold War’s many …show more content…

This struggle was seen moving into the arts and among society in reaction to the war over communist ideologies. Many different forms of art were created during the Cold War that represented how people reacted to the war. Among these arts, propaganda was a way for people to publicize and promote their opinions on this war. The propaganda poster The Red Iceberg symbolizes the instability of North Korea’s communist government and how the United States took a more aggressive approach to try and defeat communism.
The Korean War took place between North and South Korea from 1950- 1955. Before the war the Korean peninsula was divided between the North who was under the control of the Soviet Union and South who was under control of the United States. North Korea had a communist government with the dictator Kim II Sung and South Korea had a capitalist government under the rule of Syngman Rhee. The 38th parallel was the boundary between the North and South states. North Korea’s government promoted insurgency in South Korea after the Soviet Union installed a communist government there. The fight against communism began when this insurgency was failing and North Korea’s army crossed the 38th …show more content…

The Red Iceberg poster shows only the top of the iceberg. This represents the idiom “the tip of the iceberg” which means that there are things that can be easily observed but there is a lot underneath that cannot be seen. This propaganda poster shows that communism will keep spreading if not stopped. The Soviet Union's goal was to spread communism and they did this by installing this government in Cuba, North Korea and North Vietnam and continuing to promote insurgency of a communist government. The Soviets wanted to continue expanding their influence in Eastern Europe and if not for the United States decision to try and defeat communism the Soviet Union would keep spreading it. The small part of the iceberg that is shown in this image symbolizes how much this ideology of communism was in place and how much it would start to spread due to insurgency. The majority of the iceberg is under the water to represent how far the Soviets will go to spread this type of government. The iceberg in the poster has gravestones all over it with water that is coming up onto the iceberg. All of the gravestones have countries that are under a communist government. These countries are shown on a gravestone to symbolize that communism will inevitably fall in all of these states and the water moving up the iceberg represent these countries

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