MTV broadcasts a TV show every year called “The Real World.” This TV show casts random men and women of different ethnicities from various parts of the country. These people are placed into the same house where they are expected to live together temporarily. These men and women usually have left behind a boyfriend or girlfriend, and we can see on the show how they try to make the long- distance relationship work for a short period of time. They make many phone calls to their significant other, and it is clear that they begin to struggle to keep their relationship going, but eventually these couples break up. I believe the proximity effect can be applied to the failure of the long-distance relationships. These people not only leave their boyfriend
Getting the family together for the holidays may be a little harder when they are 1000 miles apart. Perry Patetic in his passage, claims that it is too easy to move away from the friends and family of our past, this creates a loss in friendship and or relationships. Patetic supports his argument by first explaining why people are able to move so far away. He continues by comparing the differences between a close relationship to a long distance relationship. The authors purpose is to point-out the struggle of a long distance relationship in order to change one’s opinion on the topic. The author displays a sincere tone for the newer generation.
information, exchanging advice, and making decisions. This article is fairly effective. It uses both pathos
For instance, many families are forced to travel great distances in order to visit grandparents, siblings, etc. and sometimes it is only once every few years that they come in contact with one another. Situations like this may offer some validity to the author’s argument in the fact that if they lived closer together the families would stay in closer contact. Although they may live far apart, the distance between people does not keep them apart, especially in modern times when it is just as easy to travel to family as it is to move away. I have family that lives in Arizona and although we are separated by hundreds of miles we are still able to visit one another a few times a year because of modern technology making it so easy. Although present-day mobility can cause people to only stay in touch a few times out of the year the connections are not lost due to the ability to travel and see those have moved far
During the period of 600 BCE to 600 CE there was much political unrest throughout the world. This essay will analyze the reason for collapse of once powerful ancient empires by scrutinizing the rulers who led them. By looking at the circumstances of a fallen empire, a person can asses that the neglect of government officials, stressed with vast war expenses, who levy high taxes that lead to peasant uprisings, is the circular chain of events that will always eventually crumble a weak empire. And as specific as they may seem, these crises developed many a time.
What does the phrase ‘social justice’ mean? Is it fairness in terms of social life? Equity in the way people are treated within a community? Or even simply, justice for those who are social? Oxford Dictionary describes social justice as “ justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society,” (Social Justice). Economically, this can mean that monetary resources are evenly distributed throughout the general public. The equal opportunity aspect of social justice can mean that everyone received a fair chance to participate in something. Finally, social justice looks to bring the same privileges to everyone, regardless of background, race, class, gender, or anything else that can be discriminatory. One issue of social justice that I’d like to focus on would be the treatment of those who suffer from traumatic brain injuries (TBI). More specifically, focusing on the assistance currently being given to soldiers who suffer from TBI after they return from war. In order to bring about better social justice for soldiers who suffer from traumatic brain injuries (TBI), current programs helping the injured to transition back to civilian life need to be adapted to better support troops.
I used the song “Mary’s Song” by Taylor swift to represent the concept of proximity. In this song Taylor she shares a story of two young children who grew up together in a small town. They have spent many nights together playing until she turned sixteen and the two started dating. Taylor sings,” And our daddies used to joke about the two of us/They never believed we'd really fall in love” (Taylor Swift 2006). The two ended up getting married and growing old in their small hometown. This song represents the idea of proximity because the two lived in the same small town where they shared similar childhoods. If they did not live in this small town the chances of the two meeting would be very slim. Taylor also touches on mere-exposure effect as
In the book Influencer, propinquity is defined as “physical proximity” (2013, p. 267). The text then explains “how it affects our behaviors and relationships” (2013, p. 267). It discusses how the actual distance between colleagues affect not only their ability to work with another but their willingness. The book suggests the “everyone suffers from the negative effects of space and distance” (2013, p. 268). I would agree with this perspective. On our base my job requires me to coordinated vehicle use and maintenance with multiple shops. The more I am able to get out and get come to know the person I am working with, I find they are more willing to work with me. We build a sense of comfort ability and trust with another that allow us to more
Alyssa, I also found this theory interesting and chose to talk about it because from my perspective believe that it is true. Like you said we grow apart from people and distance can make a difference so that is why when we are in need of attention we don't reach out to them but instead go to someone that is closer to us. For example if we make a new friend and need attention we wont go all the way back to our old town to reach out to our family but instead will go to the new friend we made. It is all about who is closer to us and who is there when we need
Are we spreading ourselves too thin among our “weak ties,” leaving us with fewer close relationships?
“…the social network we find ourselves in plays an important role in the continuation of a relationship. It is important to understand the relationship between the couple and their social world”
Roman republic ascension to hegemony in Mediterranean sea, was basically as a result of war between Carthage and Rome, this was the first Punic war. This war can be likened to Peloponnesian war between Greeks and Athens which was due to rivalry between the two cities. The rivalry between Rome and Carthage had saw the two great cities, fortified with securities and rosy community get destroyed and many souls were lost as the after march of war. The first Punic war saw Rome became a strong naval power which was used in the combat against Carthaginians. Civilization and expansion of her kingdom was one area, where Carthage almost equal the Rome achievement. The Carthaginians were as successful as Romans as well captured a lot of neighboring
Isolation will be affected for life, often in every relationship they establish. I personally grew up with several great examples of this, including myself. The prime suspect to study is my father. He has a severe imbalance of isolation compared to intimacy. In turn he reflects that in every relationship present in his life.
Distance is one of the major factors in attraction. For example, in the first day of high school, we are more likely to befriend the people who sit close to us than with those who sit 3 or 4 chairs away from us.
Proximity or being close to a person has a big influence on our choice of friends or romantic partners, previous research suggests that the
long distance relationship. However he dated other women while living in Utah. Bundy tried again to go to the University of Utah law school but he found the courses to hard and the other students did not seem to have a problem. Bundy was disappointed with this turn of events. Than a string of murders started to happen in Utah. In September, Bundy raped and killed a hick hiker who was never identified or found but Bundy had pictures of her dismembered body at his apartment. In October Bundy killed his second victim in the Utah area. Nancy Wilcox (16 year old). Her body as well has never been found but Bundy claimed it was a accident that he did not mean to strangle her. Bundy had just planned on raping her but he got carried away. October18th Melissa Smith (17 Years old) disappeared her naked body was found nine days later. October 31st Laura Ann Aime (17 year old) her naked body was found almost a month later. Both women were beaten, rapes, sodomized and strangled with nylon stockings. He started to clean up the victims after they were dead.