
The Psychological Causes Of Anorexia

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Description Anorexia is firstly, not a physical disease, nor is it a lifestyle choice, Anorexia is in fact a mental disorder whereby the sufferer sees themselves as much larger than they actually are. This will lead to them having an obsession over what they eat and how much they eat. Their aim is to have as low a body weight as possible, and in order to do so they will often starve themselves, or exercise excessively. To many, body weight is inversely proportional to self-worth, meaning that the lower their body weight the higher their self-worth. Causes There is currently no clear cause of Anorexia, and it is thought to be due to multiple things, such as psychological, environmental, and biological factors. Psychological factors are things that …show more content…

Puberty is a factor that is extremely common, due to the changes in your body, the stress of high school, being up to the social standards of your peers, and deciding on your future. Media is also a big factor, due to them setting unrealistic ideals of beauty, that are often impossible to imitate, as well as pointing out the smallest flaws in celebrities, that most non-celebrity people also have, and making them seem as if you have those flaws, you aren’t beautiful. Other factors include bullying, jobs that have an ideal idea of perfection, emotional stress in life that makes you feel as if you are not in control, and unhealthy relationships that could include emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Biological factors are thought to be the changing hormones levels in your body or your brain functions. This can lead to a lack of appetite, or guilty feelings after eating, which when meals are skipped, you no longer have. It’s suggested that people who have a family history of eating disorders and depression, may be more likely to develop an eating disorder

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