
The Psychological And Moral Development From The Protagonist Childhood Into Adulthood Essay

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In a typical Bildungsroman novel is a coming of age story in which the psychological and moral development from the protagonist childhood into adulthood, in which the changes are deeply important to the novel. In Morgenstern’s statement “to depict a human being who develops toward his true nature by means of a collaboration of his inner dispositions with outer circumstances” and Lukacs’s statement “The theme is the reconciliation of the problematic individual…with concrete social reality” does not incorporates the experiences people with different social, ethnic, or gender identities. In these statements about Bildungsroman entitles white male privileges and ultimately in all the novels, the protagonists efforts to integrate into the world of access and mobility which has been previously been denied to them. Bildungsroman as a literary genre is a state of “becoming” and “integrating” into their social world. In these critiques of Bildungsroman: Marxism argues that the the protagonist is a stand in for the nation and that their “becoming” is a symbol of a prosperous country. Feminist Scholars argues that it expunges the female experiences by focusing on areas of which females have been denied such as education, business, and politics. They believed the Bildungsroman is “unbecoming” of the protagonist in female-lead novels and explores the emergence of womanhood.
However, in lenses of ethnic studies, the bildungsroman explores the issues of race, nation, and colonialism

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