
The Blue Angel Gender Roles

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Amid World War I, changes in the traditional roles of society in Germany made people fearful of the future. Rights and roles about gender have become favorable to the women while men are slowly losing their power. Since a copious of men were fighting in the war, this caused women to take over the men’s place at home. Getting a taste of independence, women try to preserve it after the loss of the war. The whole idea about the traditional order getting disrupted in society is expressed in multiple realms of art such as cinema, literature, and art. There are an underlining fear and desire of the new Weimar Republic. The movie The Blue Angel, directed by Josef von Sternberg, highlights the anxieties in the culture of Weimar Republic. During the …show more content…

From the Blue Angel, the character Lola Frohlich represents the disorder in society as she exercised the unusual forms of social and sexual autonomy. When she first enters the scene, she oozed confidence while she sang on stage. She stood tall with shoulders back as she commands the audience. Even so, she gains desire from an assortment of men because of her power. As mention before, Lola is cabaret entertainer. Right off the bat, she broke traditional roles because she is open about her sexuality and presents to the audience. As well as her reputation isn’t the greatest based on previous notions. In the movie, Lola sung songs with revealing costumes such as showing her underwear. Even after the performance, she did not mind to change in front of any lookers. For instance, Professor Rath felt aroused yet uncomfortable when Lola took off her costume. He constantly looked away to give her some privacy while she continued the day. As an entertainer, she could get a source of income to provide for herself as she didn’t need help from men. In fact, she was supporting the relationship financially for five years when she married Professor Rath. The movie also expressed how women are uncontrollable—a fear in many men. In one moment, the Magician and owner of the show told Lola to stop lollygagging and shake her butt on stage. She refuted with calling her act as an art. Even more, she talked back to him on other

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