Sharing – To have a share or part. I call this part true confessions; there are two parts to sharing, sharing with your family, friends or associated and sharing with your lover, mate, or partner, again when sharing with your partner you are build bridges, bridges of love, bridges of trust, and bridges of understanding, the combination of bridge building creates true confessions. There are no secrets between you and your mate. Everything is discussed, everything is open and nothing is off limits. What you share between your family, friends or associated are things that you can and often should share with your lover, mate or partner. However, things that are shared between you and your mate should not be fair game to be shared with your family, friends or associates. Unless your mate is …show more content…
Further, it would seem to me that you don’t trust you’re feeling about your mate, you’re saying that you don’t trust you mate, and if you don’t trust your mate, are you really in love? I think not. You see we often discuss things with other people because we want help, the problem with that is, we most often only discuss negative issues or help issues, as I like to call them. Help issues signifies you need help with your mate. Help unfortunately, signifies that something’s wrong or you’re not completely satisfied or happy with your mate. That unfortunately is a red flag to your family and friends. So, basically what you have painted is a negative picture of your mate in the minds of your family and friends. You have also created an image that is very difficult, at best, to erase. As I am sure you are aware, there are many ways to handle these situations however I would suggest that you discuss your concerns with your mate, before you panhandle them out to your family and friends. Although there may be some issues, such as resentment or uncertainty with your mate when you bring the issues to their attention, however the future of your
“confide in you” (p 129)denotative-tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.
When there maybe a conflict or dilemma in relation to sharing information and maintaining confidentiality.
Also with keeping a happy marriage managing how and when would be the appropriate time and to what level of self-disclosure. We all have secrets in our closets after your married you should feel more comfortable with self-disclosure. Although Orbach who
***You might want to reword these last two sentences because you repeat "share" and "with anyone."
Before sharing the information check why the other person wants the information, what is the result they are trying to achieve and could the aims be achieved without sharing the information.
Secret is defined as something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. If that is true, why do we tell others our secrets? No one's secrets are truly theirs, at some point anxiety will build up, information accidentally comes out, or you may just tell someone. Your confidentialities are not always yours, at a young age kids tell their parents everything. As those kids grow up, and become teens they start to develop barriers between their parents. Not telling them whatever is going on, at school or at practice can only last so long. This is hardly the case, because everyone has told their friend or parent something that was meant to be classified. For example, if one player on the basketball team knows a secret about another player, the whole team knows. That is due to the fact that we are a family and don’t care what we think of each other, because we are one. Trustworthiness is hard to prove, confidence is needed to tell someone a secret. If the friend is not trustworthy then that secret could be floating around school completely changed from its original stature. A secret is only a true secret if it is kept with only yourself. Just as honesty is evident in life so it is in literature. In William Shakespeare’s famous love story, “ Romeo and Juliet” and in life, withholding secrets is the
Throughout relationships, what separates them from healthy and unhealthy is a wide spectrum of uncertainty. Furthermore, not every relationship will be stagnant throughout each person’s lifetime. In this paper, I will be discussing the lengths of my relationship with a good friend of mine, Devon. Furthermore, I can pinpoint some areas in the Power and Control Wheel that may have been of use when we were younger. Also, I see an importance of the Equality wheel and how it relates to our relationship today.
In Sister of my Heart, a coming-of-age novel by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, the two main characters, Sudha and Anju, are not aware of the secret that runs within their families. The act of keeping a secret is to purposely keep something hidden. Although telling the truth can help create a stronger and more honest relationship, in some cases, when the secret is revealed, it can have a negative effect. Sudha exemplifies this as the secret she keeps from Anju affects Sudha's life and her relationship with Anju.
After weeks of dating, the relationship moved into the intensifying stage, we were learning more about each other, discussing personal topics that you don’t share with just anyone (hidden stage of Johari window). During the intensifying stage of our relationship, varying degrees of self-disclosure are shared to see what will be reciprocated and testing the impressions someone is making. The hidden region covers the aspects that you know about yourself but others do not, you purposely try to hide certain qualities about yourself. John had a very large hidden region that he covered very well because I didn’t realize how much it would affect out relationship.
In a study done with hundreds of college students, they were asked what relationships were most important to them. 47% answered romantic partner, 36% answered a friendship, and 14% answered a family member. (Adler, 302) From this study, you can conclude that most of our relationships that mean the most are our romantic relationships, but why? Romantic relationships are the most complicated because intimacy, gender, culture, and social media. In friendships you worry about types of friendships, gender, and social media. In family relationships there are patterns of communication, effective communication, and creating a family through good communication.
It takes two people at minimum to form a conversation, start a relationship romantic or not, and it takes one person in that relationship to form power over the other one. Power is given off differently whether the other person has expertise, or past experiences in that specific situation.Control is in every relationship whether it is known to both people or not,I have experienced this first hand in every relationship I have encountered and some of them I have established that I held the power role.
Self-disclosure is an important part of any close relationship. Without sharing our own fears and weaknesses, we can
Self-disclosure is the voluntary sharing of personal history, preferences, attitudes, feelings, values, secrets, etc. with another person (Griffin, p. 97). As stated in the introduction Altman and Taylor look at relationships as an “onions.” The different layers are representative of different feelings of a person. When
To disclose or not to disclose?, That question usually comes when you start a new relationship with a friend, a boy friend, a new job or any new relationship, but disclosing can also happen with people we have known for a long time or not. Scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover, but I feel like each person has his or her own way of defining what self closure is. To me, self disclosure is letting myself go and trusting the person I am disclosing to, it involves risk and vulnerability on my part sharing important information to someone. Therefore I go back to the question I posed before, do I trust this person or not, do I love this person to feel my vulnerability, do
Individuals have different levels of disclosure and when combined with another individual’s disclosure level can have positive or negative outcomes. The decision to communicate can also cause uncertainty within relationships. Prior research was conducted to try and measure what exactly causes the uncertainty and negative results to show up in a relationship. Intimacy, security, problematic events, and irritations are all different elements that can be stronger or weaker in the relationship based on the disclosure (Theiss and Solomon 2006).