
The Pros And Cons Of Sharing In Relationships

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Sharing – To have a share or part. I call this part true confessions; there are two parts to sharing, sharing with your family, friends or associated and sharing with your lover, mate, or partner, again when sharing with your partner you are build bridges, bridges of love, bridges of trust, and bridges of understanding, the combination of bridge building creates true confessions. There are no secrets between you and your mate. Everything is discussed, everything is open and nothing is off limits. What you share between your family, friends or associated are things that you can and often should share with your lover, mate or partner. However, things that are shared between you and your mate should not be fair game to be shared with your family, friends or associates. Unless your mate is …show more content…

Further, it would seem to me that you don’t trust you’re feeling about your mate, you’re saying that you don’t trust you mate, and if you don’t trust your mate, are you really in love? I think not. You see we often discuss things with other people because we want help, the problem with that is, we most often only discuss negative issues or help issues, as I like to call them. Help issues signifies you need help with your mate. Help unfortunately, signifies that something’s wrong or you’re not completely satisfied or happy with your mate. That unfortunately is a red flag to your family and friends. So, basically what you have painted is a negative picture of your mate in the minds of your family and friends. You have also created an image that is very difficult, at best, to erase. As I am sure you are aware, there are many ways to handle these situations however I would suggest that you discuss your concerns with your mate, before you panhandle them out to your family and friends. Although there may be some issues, such as resentment or uncertainty with your mate when you bring the issues to their attention, however the future of your

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