Marijuana is internationally the most commonly used illegal substance. Marijuana is psychoactive drug that affects different parts of the body. It has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Surveys say that approximately 34.9 percent of high school Seniors in the United States use marijuana and close to 6 percent of seniors report using the drug on an everyday bases. As stated by the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.8 million adults in America had used marijuana the month before being surveyed. Marijuana originates from the dried blooming tops, clears out, stems, and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis has been utilized for hundreds of a long time for therapeutic treatment, fiber (hemp), seed oils, seed, …show more content…
Abrupt withdrawal from cannabis can be uncomfortable but not life-threatening. Discontinuation symptoms include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, and decreased appetite. Sleep problems can potentially persist beyond that time frame. It is important to note that "synthetic marijuana" is not marijuana, with some people being fooled into trying K2/Spice (an untested and illegal synthetic cannabinoid). The full extent of the long-term health risks of chronic cannabis use is currently unknown. There is no way to determine who will develop serious physical, psychological, or other unwanted …show more content…
The utilization of marijuana has the conceivable to cause male sexual brokenness. Consistently smoking cannabis could in the end trade off the body's insusceptible framework, making clients more defenseless against specific kinds of contamination and malignancies. Long haul cannabis utilize could build the danger of creating psychosis. Contingent upon the length and measure of utilization, pot can be recognized in the pee a while after its last utilize. Analysts found that standard clients who began consuming the drug before they were 15 years of age scored more regrettable on cerebrum tests than other people who began sometime down the road. Another conceivable aftereffect of ceaseless utilization of strong cannabis strains (skunk, for example) may have a more serious danger of intense memory
The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate.
Marijuana is a mixture of the dried parts of the cannabis sativa hemp plant. Excessive marijuana use can lead to an addiction. The main chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which moves quickly through the bloodstream and to the brain, causing mild hallucinogenic effects. THC binds with cannabdnob receptors and activates neurons, which causes adverse effects on the mind and body. THC can mimic or block actions of neurotransmitters and interfere with normal functions. Marijuana use can lead to disturbed thoughts and can worsen psychotic symptoms. The short-term effects of marijuana include impaired coordination; skewed sensory and time perception; difficulty with thinking; shortened attention span and distractibility; impaired learning and memory. Long term users of marijuana often experience lowered motivation and some can experience anxiety, panic attacks, respiratory illness, and increased heart rate and risk of heart attack.
Although marijuana is a hallucinogen it does not have a highly addictive characteristic like other hallucinogens. In 2004 the National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that its short term effects include, but are not limited to: blood shot eyes, dry mouth and increased heart rate. Its long term effects include, but are not limited to: lower testosterone levels in men, and higher testosterone levels in women. When you compare this to other drug’s side affects you see that they are not so bad.
Cannabis, in recent years, has been associated with psychoses. It is said that this drug is a significant factor that leads to the development of psychological disorders. An increase in the usage of cannabis can cause acute transient symptoms upon
Marijuana, used by 80 million, used frequently by 11 million Americans, and has been debated its whole life (Norml). It goes way back to 8000 B.C. when textile industries began in Europe and Asia, for the use of hemp (Hempfest). To this date people rave on how people look at the drug. It's extraordinary that this plant can be used for recreation, medicine, industrial, and religious reasons. Some popular slang terms to describe marijuana are cannabis, weed, pot, cheeba, mary jane, and many more. The major active chemical, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), when smoked it releases THC into cannabinol receptors located in the brain, thus causing the "high" feeling (Norml). What is actually smoked is the dried and cured flower buds of the marijuana plant. Today, marijuana is grown with great science, like
A person who inhale marijuana on frequent basis suffer from many diseases related to heart, lungs and brain. It disturbs the normal functioning of brain, interfering with a person’s ability to think, feel and act (Sane Australia 2014).
Cannabis also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope, hash and a variety of other names is derived from Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa. "According to the United Nations, cannabis is the most widely used illicit substance in the world" (Cannabis Drug). Cannabis originated in Central Asia where it was believed to be discovered in the 3rd millenium B.C. The first culture to discover cannabis' smoking properties were the Aryans who used the drug for religious ceremonies. Cannabis is the fourth most frequently used recreational drug in the world and the most popular illegal recreational drug in the United States. Cannabis is
This study consisted of 51 long-term marijuana users, 51 short-term users, and 33 non-users. All of the participants experienced nine neuropsychological tests. Attention, memory, and other cerebral abilities were tested (“Study” 3). Nadia Solowij, of the Univeristy of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, states long term users performed drastically less on tests of memory and attention. “On the Ray Auditory Verbal Learning Test, long-term users recalled significantly fewer words than either short-term users or controls,” Solowij reported. Undoubtedly, marijuana use corrupts memory and other cognitive functions. Therefore, marijuana use causes mental damage to the user.
When a person has been using marijuana regularly over an extended period of time, many changes in mood and in some cases, mental health, may take place. Short and long-term memory are both decreased with repeated usage of the drug. As tolerance to the psychoactive chemical THC is increased, as is the amount of marijuana needed to afford the marijuana user an acceptable high. A user's mood may be affected negatively by this need to use more drugs to get high.
After a person smokes a marijuana, the THC, a chemical from the drug itself, acts as a natural stimulant. The specific brain receptors takes the THC, and sends a chemical message to brain. This processes causes the brain, especially the parts that has most of the receptors, to become overactivated, or “high.” When a person becomes high many short term symptoms include: altered sense, loss of sense of time, fluctuations in mood, and
According to the United Nations, 158.8 million around the world use Marijuana- more than 3.8% of the planets population. Cannabis popularly known as marijuana is the most popular and commonly used drug in the United States. It is labeled as an illegal substance and legally prescribed medicinal substance. Marijuana has been scientifically proven by other research that it contains medical properties that helps in relieving pain in patients.
Cannabis (otherwise known as marijuana) is disregarded as a recreational drug that is manipulated to gain a high off of its psychoactive ingredients but marijuana yields many health benefits and relief for different medical conditions and symptoms. It should be considered as a medicine because there is plenty of evidence showing that it can be used to treat or relieve symptoms caused by diseases with no cure. It could possibly be used as an alternative for the harsh drugs that are currently in use.
Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (“Marijuana” 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel “high” or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (“Marijuana” 1). Like most drugs, marijuana has a very long history. People have been using the plant around the world for thousands of years. The oldest record of the marijuana plant dates back to 2727 B. C. in China where the plant was used as a medical herb for treating conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria and even absent-mindedness (“Cannabis, Coca, & Poopy: Nature’s Addictive Plants” 1). Slowly, the plant started spreading around the world. By 1545, cannabis was starting to appear throughout the western worlds. Being introduced to South America by the Spanish to be used as fiber. The crop also had many other common uses around the world. In North America, cannabis was often used to make paper, ropes, clothing and other materials (“The Origins of Cannabis” 1).
When used at a younger age marijuana can damage thinking, learning, and memory. It will be harder for younger users to pay attention, connect dots, and build connections because of this. People who started using in their teens experienced an average of an eight point drop in their IQ between the ages of 13 and 38. Other long term mental effects are temporary hallucinations- the user’s will sense or see things that do not exist. They can also develop paranoia, or and extreme or unreasonable distrust in people or surroundings. Long term effects of marijuana can actually worsen the effects of schizophrenia and cause psychosis. The physical effects can consist of a raise or drop in blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack in people with heart conditions, and stroke. The constant smoking of cannabis can deform the structure of sperm and upset a woman's menstrual cycle, damaging fertility or making the user completely sterile. In the end the user can experience lower satisfaction with life, relationship problems, and poorer mental and physical
Marijuana doesn’t cause any tolerance or habits from withdrawal. There are many uses of the stimulant. Mental health examiner James Backalar says there is no evidence that marijuana is harmful after using (Carroll). Marijuana is a stimulant with effect, but it does not have any harmful effects.