
The Pros And Cons Of Corporal Punishment

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“You’re going to get it when we get home!” “Stop It, Right Now!” “Sit in the Time-Out Chair for 10 minutes until you can behave!” These are all phrases that have been used by parents whether they believe in corporal punishment or non-corporal punishment. Children have ways of pushing their parent’s buttons whether it is verbally or by things that they do or do not do when they are told. Parents then become frustrated, angry, exasperated, or even embarrassed and begin to administer some type of discipline to correct the behavior. The correction, many times, is dependent upon the location of the bad behavior, for instance, whether it is at home or in a public setting. Is a parent spanking their child wrong whether it is at home or in public? Will it cause developmental or psychological issues? Is there a difference in spanking and beating or are both forms child abuse? Is spanking more effective for children of certain ages? Controversy abounds regarding the use of corporal punishment by a parent as a means of disciplining a child. Comparing the differences in corporal punishment versus non-corporal punishment will allow each parent to decide which will work best for their family. After analyzing key components of both punishments, corporal punishment has been effective for many years, and when used correctly, can still be very beneficial to families today.
To begin, defining both types of punishment is a key component. By definition, corporal punishment is physical punishment such as hitting someone (Merriam Webster, n.d.) Spanking is defined as striking on the buttocks for punishment (Merriam Webster, n.d.). Further defining by James Dwyer states it is used by a person (for the context of this paper a parent or their agent such as school personnel) in authority, to correct or vastly improve the behavior or character of a child (Dwyer, 2010). A parent’s responsibility is to raise children that have respectable behavior, moral character, and contribute positively to society. The teaching process begins at a very early stage in life. Often times, this teaching process must be enforced through spanking, smacking, swatting, or paddling. This physical punishment may be the end result of other

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