
The Prophecy Of The Temple

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Ezekiel and the New Temple Essay

Submitted to Dr. Joel Ajayi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course

OBST 520 ? D06
Old Testament Orientation II


Oliver M. Brown
April 10, 2016


Introduction The prophecy of the Temple in Ezekiel 40-48 is said to be one of the most difficult portion of scripture. Many commentators have proposed varying views and approaches. It has even been reported that the Jews do not allow anyone to read it until they are 30 years of age.[footnoteRef:1]Despite this difficulty, it is a vital portion of scripture necessary to the understanding of the Messiah and the principle of salvation. Accordingly, this discussion will examine both the literal and figurative interpretations of this vision to show their strengths and weaknesses in light of the New Testament and the coming of Jesus Christ the messiah. [1: Matthew Henry, Commentary on Ezekiel 40, Accessed on April 8, 2016]

Section 1: Ezekiel?s Temple: Literal or Figurative
In an attempt to understand this portion of scripture it is necessary to ask: to whom was this vision directed, during what period was this vision given, and for what purpose was the vision given in order for organization and context. In Ezekiel 40: 4, Ezekiel was instructed to ??declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel.? As such, the

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