
The Problem Of World Hunger

Decent Essays

Can you remember the last time you were hungry? How empty your stomach felt and how your body desperately craved food? Imagine that being your everyday life. Unfortunately, this is the case for over 925 million people all around the world despite the world producing more than enough food to feed everyone. Although world hunger is an increasing dilemma in poverty-stricken countries because they do not have the finances to produce or purchase crops, in order to alleviate this problem we must eliminate meat off of our plates. As we have seen for decades, world hunger has been a chilling epidemic affecting over 925 million people, but it has little to do with food shortages. (“World Hunger Facts”, Page 1) By definition, world hunger is the want or scarcity of food in a country (Page 1). Undernourishment affects people’s health, productivity, sense of hope, and overall well being in a negative manner. The lack of food can stunt growth, slow thinking, sap energy, hinder fetal development and contribute to mental retardation. (Page 1) Undernourished pregnant women die during birth, 315,000 mothers a year. More than half of the deaths in children in 2010 were caused by poor nutrition. That’s 3.8 million children. This year around 6 million children will die from starvation. ("Forks Over Knives | Animal Agriculture, Hunger, and How to Feed a Growing Global Population: Part One of Two.", Page 1) These statistics are unbelievable considering that the world produces one and a half

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