
The Poisonwood Bible Essay

Decent Essays

Summer Reading: The novel The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver centered around a missionary family in the Congo. The patriarch of the family, Nathan Price tries to convert the villagers living in Kilanga while his family struggles with the culture shock of moving from Georgia to Africa. Kingsolver’s use of different narrators--cycling through the four daughters and the mother--made the story more nuanced and fully developed the characterization of the Price family. Nathan’s obsession and ultimate downfall was a highlight of the book, especially as it was seen from a variety of perspectives. The reader first discovers Nathan’s erratic behavior through the eyes of the second eldest daughter Adah who never had a good relationship with …show more content…

Just when the Prices have become accustomed to the culture of Kilanga, a terrible misfortune breaks the family apart again. The death of the youngest child Ruth May spurs Orleanna into action and she decides to leave her husband with her three children. Their journey out of Kilanga is interesting with each sister finding her own path to freedom, but Kingsolver spends too much time in the final part of the book recounting the different lives of Rachel, Leah, and Adah. Rachel’s entire story seems disjointed, starting with her marriage to Axelroot to the opening of her hotel. It seems a little far-fetched that someone like Rachel, who is characterized to be the ditziest and most superficial of the Price siblings, would have the business acumen to run such a successful business. Leah, the most talkative of the sisters, had a storyline with the orphan-turned-schoolteacher Anatole. Anatole used their marriage to comment on biracial marriage, discrimination, and the political upheaval of the time. Kingsolver was slightly heavy handed with social commentary. Adah’s story, although less developed than her sisters’,was a personal favorite. Adah learns to cope with her disability, regain the use of her whole body, and becomes a doctor with the CDC. Her relationship with her mother was unique and very refreshing to

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