
The Philae Mission

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Space just goes on forever without an end. So it is hard to explore every part of it. The Philae mission is very important because it it is discovering a comet. The mission was important because it was discovering something that is never been discovered, it is helping scientists figure out what our early solar system was like, and it could reveal the makeup of comets. The mission Philae is the first mission to get a spacecraft on a comet. This means scientist can learn more about comets. “ The probe, called the Philae lander, is the first spacecraft to set down on a comet.” This means that all of the pictures that the spacecraft takes will be valuable research for scientist to learn about comets. That could lead to many different things in the future of science. They could …show more content…

But they don’t quite know what else that a comet is made of. The mission Philae that was launched could lead them to those answers. “ The Philae lander will travel the surface of 67P and conduct a variety of scientific experiments. It could reveal secrets about the makeup of comets, the formation of our solar system, and even origins of life.” this mission could be the most helpful mission to help people know about comets. Just looking at the pictures could answer many questions, including what comets are made out of. The mission is was very important because it was discovering something that has never been discovered, it is helping scientist figure out what our early solar system was like, and it could reveal what comets are made out of. The first paragraph describes the pictures that helped discover what had never been discovered. Paragraph two is about how the comet has some preserved pieces and they could lead to what our old solar system was like. The last paragraph is mainly about what makes up a comet. The mission Philea may be a mission that has answered question that could not be answered till

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