
The Outsourcing of American Jobs Essay

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The Outsourcing of American Jobs

The exporting of American jobs is an issue that is important and will become increasingly so as more and more white collar jobs are shipped overseas. American companies in the past few decades have been sending American jobs overseas paying residents of other countries pennies on the dollar what they had paid American workers to do. This saves the companies millions of dollars on labor costs but costs Americans precious jobs.

As the problem of job outsourcing becomes more of an issue in politics, elected officials like the President and Congress will no longer be able to ignore the dilemma. The war in Iraq has been at the forefront of the presidential race but the importance of outsourcing …show more content…

Since outsourcing has begun effecting both party lines, Republican and Democrat officials will be interested because members of congress are self-interested. Congressmen who continue to evade the issue and avoid taking a strong stance on this issue will lose votes when it comes to election time and that doesn’t serve in the best interest for any politician. The other big player in this issue is big business. As labor is offered at cheaper rates overseas, it is very tempting for businesses to take advantage of that resource. Saving money is a great way to raise profits and stock values of companies. This brings up the hardest part of this issue. Americans own stock in the big companies that outsource jobs, if the company does well then the stock does well and it helps the investor. The average family makes between 33 to 45 thousand dollars a year. People in this bracket generally rely on their job to provide income and security for their family, not the value of stock. The middle class is taking the biggest hit and has the most to loose from outsourcing. The middle class has traditionally been the backbone of America ever since WWII. It has always been in any candidate’s best interest to appeal to this group of voters.

There are many things on the American political agenda that

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