
The Otter Project Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Earlier this month The Otter Project, a non-profit organization founded in 1988 in Monterey, Ca that aims to protect watersheds and coastal oceans for the benefit of California sea otters, received a call on the volunteer hotline from a CSUMB student addressing the issue of volunteer recruitment and retention.

The student, Gustavo Ramirez, who is also a second year volunteer member, completed a non-profit case analysis on The Otter Project and created three options to battle our declining volunteer numbers. Chief executive, Steve Shimek, was quoted saying “I’m glad to see this report, it gives us the ability to have a volunteer’s perspective on a very serious issue that we as staff members may not completely understand.” Ramirez recommends in his case analysis that The Otter Project increases their online presence to help communicate between the non-profit and its volunteers. He suggest that the non-profit post the monthly newsletter as well as increase the number of post on social media in hopes to created a stronger connection to those who want to protect our coastal oceans, watersheds, and California sea otters. …show more content…

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