
The Ontological Files

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The authors[7] presented an approach in which ontological profiles are built. Ontology is considered to be a hierarchy of topics which is used to classify and categorise web pages. It is also used to identify the topics in which the particular user is interested. Ontology has some existing concepts to which interest scores are assigned. Keeping the reference ontology, these profiles are maintained and updated. With observing the ongoing behaviour, a spreading activation algorithm was proposed for maintaining the interest scores. So this way of the interest scores updation, the most relevant results are brought on the top.
Each built profile is an instance of this reference ontology. A user profile may comprise of variety of concepts which is represented as nodes. Each node is represented as a pair (Cj, IS(Cj)),where Cj is a concept in the reference ontology and IS(Cj)is the interest score annotation for that concept. Every concept in the profile is provided with an interest score having initial value as one.
The ontological user profile is treated as the network of concepts and the interest scores are updated based on the activation values. These scores are updated using spreading activation algorithm[8]. Input vector is also involved to represent the current interaction of the user. When the user selects documents, the user profile is updated and the interest scores of the existing concepts are modified using spreading activation. by this way the web pages in which the user

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