
The New World: Discussion Questions

Decent Essays

Marks Discussion Questions: Chapter Three The New World was basically the discovery of a large portion of the western hemisphere by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus in 1492. In the book Marks explains how there had been several “worlds”-in the world. So this idea of the New World, was a new concept for the previous worlds such as the Chinese world, the Indian Ocean World and the Mediterranean world. Calling it the New World is inaccurate because there was indigenous people there so by the Europeans saying it was the New World was a Eurocentric term. Marks also says “We can easily think of these sixteenth-century developments as the “first globalization.”’ Which is pretty ground breaking because now there is opportunity for global trade and other factors. The portuguese had been experienced when it came to slave labor. They had created many sugar plantations in their territories long before Columbus had discovered the New World. After the discovery of the New World there were many plantations. Perhaps the best discovery yet was in the city of Potosi. They produced 85% of the world’s silver. The Spanish who obtained all this wealth was not very intelligent with it. They were fighting many expensive wars and …show more content…

The Europeans began trying to save as much money as possible by only trading with the “mother country,” and by transporting goods on their own ships. A German once said “the more silver, the stronger the state.” Nations began not letting their money leave and enrich others. The idea of “free trade” contrasts from the concept of mercantilism because free trade has imported and exported goods flow without trouble or hesitation. Adam Smith had made a non taxation system of trading. While mercantilism was a system of benefiting off the

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