
The Negative Effects Of Media Manipulation

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Is society being influenced by the negative manipulation that exists within the realm of media? Is manipulation being enclosed more by exaggeration or by well thought tactics to drive ratings? Manipulation has been a long going issue that has taken its tolls on numerous populations. Society is just now realizing the drastic effects it can have on one’s mind, soul, and intellect. Media Manipulation continues to grow as an evil power as it consumes the minds of not only the public audience but also to the ones who decide to use it to their advantage. The overall population has been long overdue for a wakeup call of how manipulation is impacting not only their lives but the lives of their loved ones as well. The media uses manipulation to negatively influence the general public’s knowledge on social issues.
To illustrate, Politics have been a leading cause in the ongoing roots of media manipulation. The media is derailed on the opportunity to win politics over due to the goal of covering the competition that exists amongst other stations, thus maximizing revenues. Powerful media executives use misconduct to make sure they are able to, “stay on the good side of politicians in exchange for access” (O’Leary par 4). The focus of politicians is the power they draw upon. Oftentimes being viewed as misleading propaganda just to win the popular vote. A politician who is willing to lie about their duties should be questioned as if they are really someone who is willing to serve towards

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