
Media And Identity Essay

Decent Essays

With the rise of media within the past few decades, media gained the power to shape society. Everyday, millions and millions of people engage in some sort of media; they spend their time texting, calling, or just browsing the internet looking up information, but mostly they utilize it for entertainment. Media plays an important role in how everyone lives their daily lives, as they share information that their audiences might relate to. A wide variety of audiences are consciously and subconsciously influenced by whatever the media claims. As media only shows what they believe their audience wants to hear and see, many become naive. Alongside the power that comes with media, many people eventually turn to slaves to media. They blindly follow and believe what the media says; it unknowingly forces them to remain ignorant. Consequently, the media can be a distressing influence to individuals. Young individuals, who are still in the delicate stages of forming their identity, identifying their wants and goals are easy targets for the media. Trapped in cyberspace, they are constantly bombarded with information, which the majority of individuals do not take advantage of. The media can act as a resource that young people may exploit as a guide to follow. However, if they are exposed to the detrimental side of media, it will become a challenge for them to figure out their true personal identity. The media tell “what we should buy, who we should be, or who we should become…” which

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