The dialogue in “The Necklace” and the “Bet” functions to reveal aspects of character by demonstrating all of their feelings, thinking, behaviors and their traits showing how those certain situations changed the character's perspective of what he or she believed in. In the story “The Necklace” Mathilde believed if you were had beauty you deserve anything you desire. In “The Bet” the Lawyer that that 2 million dollars will buy your happiness.
In “The Necklace” Written by Guy de Maupassant in 1884 Mathilde was very selfish, while her husband was very generous. Mathilde's husband was invited to a party, which he thought Mathilde was going be thrilled. Mathilde throwing a tantrum at her husband saying how she had no dress since they were poor. Even though, he knew she was ungrateful Mr. Louisel, yet showed generosity, since he gave the money he was originally saving for a gun to Mathilde to buy a dress. Later on, she complained about her choice of jewelry. Her husband suggested her to borrow one of her friends' jewelry, Madame Forestier since she was rich. In the text it states, (P.2) “She suffered endlessly, feeling born for every delicacy and luxury. She suffered from the poorness of her house..." Maupassant showed that even after having a roof to live under she still thought she "deserved" more than what she had because of her looks. After the party, Mathilde realized she lost her friend’s necklace and had no choice other than replacing it. They found a necklace that was a replica of the original necklace, which was 3,600 francs. Mathilde and her husband for 10 years of their life were wasted into paying a debt. Mr. Louisel’s generous dialogue continued since he helped Mathilde pay off the debt when it was initially all Mathilde fault. After vowing to replace Madame Forestier's necklace Mathilde's attitude changed completely after perceiving she was self-centered and selfish and have to be appreciative what you have. In paragraph 96 the author says, "She came to know the heavy work of the house, the hateful duties of the kitchen. She washed the plates, wearing out her pink nails on the coarse pottery and the bottoms of pans. She washed the dirty linen, the shirts, and dish-cloths, and hung them out to dry on
In The Necklace, the setting of Paris in the late 19th century is a world of elegance and wealth. If not born into a wealthy family, one would have two options: marry into a wealthy family, or stay in their social class. That is just the case for Mathilde Loisel, who is endowed with beauty but born into a family of clerks. She was born free and could have had a plentiful life because of her beauty. However, she was held back by the chains of her social status and forced to marry her wealthy husband Monsieur Loisel. Together they have an awkward relationship consisting only of their need for marriage.
In “ The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant portrays Mathilde as a very materialistic person. She loves to beg for things from her husband. In the story she wanted her husband to get a new gown for a formal party hosted by the Ministry of Education while she already had a gown. Mathilde was to afraid that he gown
In “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, Mathilde comprehends her economic situation before the loss of the necklace she wasn't as impoverished as she thought. Mathilde suffers a multitude of emotional changes. In the beginning of the story, she felt deserving of a life with glamour and riches throughout Mathilde's appearance at the party she’s bombarded by admiration feeling her all time high. Her life shifted drastically once the necklace was lost and never found. Previously assuming her life was at rock bottom she the realization necklace was lost and needing to be replaced that is when things got really hard.
In the short story “The Necklace” Mathilde is blinded by her desire for a higher-class lifestyle. She wanted all the nice and extravagant clothing and jewelry that her rich friend had. Mathilde felt like she deserved this kind of lifestyle and forgot to be happy with what she had. She lost sight of her loving husband, who stayed and helped get them out of the debt that she had caused without complaint.
Have you ever read an intense short story? Well both “The Necklace” and “The Bet” are the most intense short stories ever. Both authors from both passages explain the dialogue by discovering new aspects of the passages. In “The Necklace” written by Guy de Maupassant (1884), is about how a character called Mathilde that loses one of her friends necklace, that was a fake, and spends the next 10 years paying it off. On the other hand “The Bet” written by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1889) is about a lawyer and a banker who make a bet to see which option is worse for a criminal, either life in jail or instantly getting killed. They came to the conclusion on sending the lawyer to jail for 15 years to see if it was true. “The Necklace” and “The
How one reacts to the truth tells a lot about the person. Do they fight the truth? Do they hide from it? Or do they accept the truth and do the best they can with their situation? The quote “We don't get to choose what is true. We only get to choose what we do about it.” from Kami Garcia states that when presented with a challenge or an inconvenient truth, one cannot change the circumstances given, but they do have a choice in how they react to the truth. In addition, no one way of handling truth is right or wrong and everyone will react differently to a situation. Nevertheless, there are better and worse ways of handling it.
Around the world, values are expressed differently. Some people think that life is about the little things that make them happy. Others feel the opposite way and that expenses are the way to live. In Guy de Maupassant’s short story, “The Necklace”, he develops a character, Madame Loisel, who illustrates her different style of assessments. Madame Loisel, a beautiful woman, lives in a wonderful home with all the necessary supplies needed to live. However, she is very unhappy with her life. She feels she deserves a much more expensive and materialistic life than what she has. After pitying herself for not being the richest of her friends, she goes out and borrows a beautiful necklace from an ally. But as she
The necklace serves as a symbol for greed. When Mathilda Loisel loses the necklace that she believed was worth forty thousand francs, she desperately retraces her steps and gets her husband to help her find it as well. It ends up taking ten years to pay off the debt. The ten years were hard on Mathilda Loisel and her husband, and Maupassant told the reader that she “looked old now… with hair half combed, with skirts award, and reddened hands” (6). However, even after the long ten years of manual labor all because she lost the necklace, she “sat down near the window and though of that evening at the ball so long ago, when she has been so beautiful and so admired” (6). The necklace symbolizes that when greed controls emotions and decisions, it never leads to good results.
Now consider the role of Mathilde Loisel in “The Necklace”. She constantly grieves about her simple life and fantasizes about extravagant life style with rich people and food surrounding her. Her husband is a simple man and is satisfied with his life. He appreciates her for the food which is cooked and never complains. Being in the Ministry of Education their lifestyle is modest. Mathilde is not satisfied on the other hand even when her husband proudly announces that they have been invited at a formal party held by the Ministry of Education. The irony in the story is more or less the same with regard to the female characters. Mathilde cries and gets her prize in the form of a dress but she is never satisfied. She wants jewelry as well. The necklace that she borrows from Madame Forestier teaches her a lesson of life. Since she is not familiar with the real jewelry she picks the cheapest one from her collection and wears it to the party why she loses it. Upon not finding the jewelry her husband takes the pain of selling everything out just to purchase an identical necklace worth 40,000 francs which leaves them poverty stricken for the next ten years during which her husband does three jobs and
The theme of the short story “The Necklace”, Written by Guy de Maupassant, is do not lie or be greedy for several. In the exposition of the story the narrator talks about Mathilde and her life. Then the narrator says “She was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station.” This implies that Mathilde was ungrateful, and that she believed that she was poor even though she had enough money to live comfortably. This emerges the theme because she was greedy for wanting a better life then she already had.
Have you ever heard of the two short stories called, “ The Necklace” and “ The Bet ” ? If not then read this and i'll tell you some important facts about them both. “The Necklace” is about a lady named Matilda and her husband. Matilda was conceited, and selfish the husband was caring and thoughtful. “The Bet” is about a lawyer and a banker that made a bet with each other. The banker is conceited and careless, as the lawyer is brave.
In "The Necklace," Mathilde is very selfish throughout the story. Mathilde shows her selfishness when she longs to be rich and live in a nice home, wear expensive clothing and wear flashy jewelry with her clothes. "These…show how materialistic Mathilde is and how selfish she is for caring only about gaining these things for herself," says one critic (Directessays). Mr. Loisel provides the basic necessities for her to live a good life, but she wants more than just the basic necessities.
Madame Loisel’s pride demands more: “It annoys me not to have a single jewel, not a single stone, nothing to put on. I shall look like distress” (Maupassant 2). Ironically, it is Monsieur Loisel who suggests that his wife borrow jewelry from Madame Forestier, and subsequently has to spend the next ten years borrowing money to replace it. As May puts it, “Her husband exhausts his meager inheritance and then borrows the rest, mortgaging their life away to buy a replacement for the necklace” (May 7). Monsieur Loisel sacrifices everything to salvage his wife’s pride.
Throughout the story the title "The Necklace" becomes several other symbols, for example when Mathilde loses the necklace and makes the decision to be dishonest, the necklace becomes a symbol of Mathilde's greed and the severe consequences that came with it. After all, the necklace is the reason why Mathilde's life went into extreme poverty and unhappiness.
When her husband gave her the invitation to the ball, which was a perfect place to meet the rich people, Mathilde got mad and cried. It was a shame since she has nothing to wear. Mr Loisel gave his money to Mathilde and she got an elegance dress. But she didn’t stop and wanted to have jewels. Mathilde met her friend, Madame Forestier and chose an gorgeous diamond necklace. Of course, she became the prettiest woman in the ball, with everyone stared at her, as if she was the most attractive woman ever. She felt fascinated, just like her dream came true. But then a tragic came to her. She lost the necklace! Mathilde and her husband tried to find the necklace, but they found nothing. Mathilde lost her hope and had aged five years. The Loisels finally decided to replace the diamonds for 36 000 Francs, spent all of their money and accepted to pay the debts. It was such an unfortunate situation. After Mathilde lost the necklace, she was described as “ And, clad like a poor woman, she went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling, insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money”. (Maupassant 8). The family was suffering from poverty and have to pay the debts continuously. Mathilde changed immediately and did everything. They have worked so hard to earn every single penny for their life, to survive and pay all those debts. The third person limited