
The Mysteria Chronicles: Alien Attack

Decent Essays

The Mysteria Chronicles: Alien Attack I put on my bulky space helmet and prepared to land on planet Mysteria. I had been warned that Mysteria is an unexplored planet, and I would have to be really careful. I climb out of my shiny, green spaceship and take a walk. Mysteria has a lot of deep craters, tall mountains, and winding caves. After walking for two hours, I go back. When I return, my ship has been blown to pieces. “How did my spaceship explode?” I ask myself. It was made out of almost indestructible material. I am extremely shocked. I wonder how I will survive! I have to find shelter. I frantically search all of the nearby caves and craters. Finally, I find an abandoned research station. Once inside, I close the door and use my oxygen scanner. It says it is safe to breathe. As I take my helmet off, I am relieved to breathe fresh air. Now, I need to find a power source and a strong metal for building a new starship. …show more content…

I start running to the light because it might be a power source. Suddenly, I spot a few aliens, and they spot me. As they start to close in on me, I run away from the green deadly aliens. They try to zap me. I get away easily. As I get closer to the lights, I discover they are power crystals. They seem dangerous because they might burn through my suit. Also, I spot a few alien spaceships protected by a force field. I move carefully towards the ships. That’s when I realize that I need to destroy the generator to deactivate the force field. I see a generator. I quickly dash towards the

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