
The Movie Crash Essay

Decent Essays

This film Crash recounts the tale of a few people living in internal city Los Angeles. Their lives wind up plainly associated over a three-day time frame through a progression of episodes including wrongdoing and misfortune. There are series of ethnic-racial groups from all sorts of life. Considering Critical Analysis, the film demonstrates that the most the overwhelming gathering in the public eye comprises of white men who are included inside the legitimate framework or law implementation. This is obvious as per the quantity of investigators and cops appeared all through the film and how individuals react to them all through the film. From my own perspective about this film, there are not too many lessons that could positively influence society …show more content…

The film is like other race relations content since it shows the unseemliness and foul play of prejudice. It is not at all like other race movies in its introduction of bigotry in a duplicate way. The greater part of the characters in the content, who are of various racial-ethnic foundations can, whenever move toward becoming culprits and casualties of prejudice. Another part in this film that was touching to me is when the little Latino girl jumps in front of her father too used herself as bullet proof for her father is sorrowful but with divine intervention she was alive. There few parts I dislike in this film and they are when Dillon’s police officer publicly sexually assaulting the TV director and his wife for doing what they are not supposedly doing in public while driving, people having access to gun without proper background checks, and this film did not provide any suggestion or dialogue on how to change people’s mind set on racism. But not so many films you watch that will make their audiences be a better people at the end of the film which I don’t expect less from this film as well. With that been said, this film still find the way at the end to reconnect people and make them a better

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