
The Metamorphosis In Gregor Samsa's The Metamorphosis

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The ironic lesson that is learned from reading The Metamorphosis is that Gregor Samsa experiences a metamorphosis in the bodily sense only; theoretically Gregor had always been a bug and becoming one bodily has no consequence on his pleasure of life. After understanding that he is no longer human, Gregor's thought developments experience no alteration. Out of all the things Gregor could revolution into, he alterations into a creature. One cannot help but draw counterparts between the Gregor's life and an insect's life. Most bugs, especially ants and bees, have some sort of labor force that deliver for the rest of the group. Gregor delivers for his family in much the same way as a creature would offer for its nest or store. He expenses almost all aspects of fun, and does not …show more content…

Thirdly, he suffers isolation from the physical world, which he is no longer able to participate in due to his presence and lack of mobility. Lastly, he suffers isolation from other people around him, especially his family. By the end even his sister, Grete, the most compassionate member of the family, explanations that they should stop thoughtful of the creature as the person they knew. She says that “the fact that we’ve believed it so long is the root of our trouble” (Kafka 48), which can be taken to mean that at some point Gregor stopped being a person not only because of his entrance but since of his non-conformist actions. The beating he receives from his father shows the extent of the cruelty he endures, though his father knows that “family duty compulsory the conquest of disgust and the use of endurance, nothing but patience” (Kafka 36). The tragedy is that this alienation ends up killing Gregor, who “dies not as a vermin, but as a human being thinking of his family”. The transformation is an indication of the breakdown of Gregor’s psyche and alienation within his self. The reader is not told how the transformation

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