
The Love By St. Rocque Analysis

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In "The love potion" Belcore was so inlove with Adine but she was so mean to him, she didn't even notice him. I dont think that she knew how much he liked/loved her.

So he bought a love potion/elixer, so she would fall in love with him, but he had every other girl in the village inlove with him.

Then he went to the ball thing or whatever and she seen that all these girl liked him and then she realized how much he liked her and all thi sstuff that he had ro do for her to even notice him. Then she starts to feel love for him because shes jealous that theyu like him, girls are like that.

Then in "The Goodness of St. Rocque" they decribe how Manuela looked and hoe the veil was covering her face,usually when women are wearing veils

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