
The Length And Vertical Jump Test

Better Essays

A vertical jump test is used, both by athletes and the general public, to determine a variety of functional actions. For example, it is commonly used to determine the development of elastic leg strength (Mackenzie, B., 2007), jumping ability and it may even be used to asses recovery prior to or post-training (Baggett, K., 2004). In this investigation, the vertical jump test is being used to determine whether there is any correlation between leg length and vertical jump height. The vertical jump, sometimes known as the Sargent jump test, can either be performed from standing as is in this investigation, or as a running vertical jump test which allows a run up prior to the jump.
To perform a vertical jump, there is both hip and …show more content…

Then, using the tape measure, the length of the leg was measured from the hip to the heel of the foot. The length of the leg was then recorded. The participant raised their hand and the vertical leap test equipment was adjusted accordingly. The participant then jumped and hit the measuring component of the vertical jump equipment (see diagram 2) and the height reached was recorded. This process was then repeated a further three times for each participant.

Ethical And Safety Considerations
The primary safety concern during this investigation was injury due to the nature of the investigation and improper use of the equipment. There was potential for muscle injury during the phase in which the participant was jumping, and improper use of the equipment could potentially have caused injury such as concussion. As a precaution, the investigation was conducted in a location where first aid officers were available and the equipment was placed on a level surface and the participants were told how to use the equipment.
Participation in this investigation was voluntary, all results were kept anonymous and the participants had the

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