
The Left Hand Of Darkness Betrayal Theme

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In the novel, “The Left Hand Of Darkness”, by Ursula K. Le Guin, a major theme presented throughout the story that is an aspect of love is betrayal. Betrayal is the “action of betraying one’s country, a group or a person”( This theme teaches us that in order for they’re to be betrayal, there has to be love and trust. A scholar that has analyzed a different angle of betrayal believes that Le Guin betrayed the whole women society in the novel. After reading his critic, I support the claim he has made from evidence in the story. In the story, betrayal is evident in the relationship between Hode and Getheren. They both fall in love with each other during Kemmer. There was a law stated that brothers can only stay in Kemmer until …show more content…

She commented on the story that “Genly’s view of Gethenin society created the impression for some readers that Le Guin created “a world of men”(Russ 90). The problem with this that Christen has stated is that Genly has populated the planet with others like himself; males. If he had put females on Gethen, it would have been a false imposition. She also stated that this could anger any feminist’s readers because they betrayed women as a whole and made it only men on the planet. I find this critique super interesting. While I was reading the story, I never really thought about the women to men ratio. I agree with Christen Cornell that betrayal was evident in the story having a book full of just men. I think if women were part of the story it would have completely changed the dynamic and message of the story. In the story, the author states “Burden and privileged are shared out pretty equally; everybody has the same risk to run or choice to make. Therefore nobody here is quite so free as a free male anywhere else”(Le Guin 100). This quote is a perfect example that makes me agree with Christen Cornell argument of betrayal. In Kemmer, there’s a chance you can turn into a female or male but you don’t know until it happens. Everyone ends up turning into a male who are able to perform both male and female

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