
The Leadership Structure Of Nike

Decent Essays

Nike is a major public trading company which specialises in selling of footwear, sportswear, sports equipment and clothing globally. Their headquarters are based in Portland, USA. The Nike brand was pioneered by two men Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. The debut of Nike was in 1972 and a star athlete was used to endorse their brand. Today Nike employs more than 48000 people across the world and has more than 5500 at their headquarters. Nike supplies and sells their products to more than 180 countries globally (Nike inc. / history).
The leadership structure that Nike uses is a Matrix organisation. The Nike employees report to the team managers who in turn relay the team’s progress to the department manager. Team managers and their employees make decisions regarding the product they are allocated to, whilst the department manger focuses on policy related issues. The advantage of such a structure is that it allows Nike to make quicker decisions and react faster.
Nike has a wide range of product that they offer which is tabulated in table 1 below as well as …show more content…

They targeted a narrow niche market where the buyer’s needs were completely different from the rest of the market. They offered their products to selected group of people who could afford this premium price. These products which Nike created were specifically for athletes and sport players. However in today’s market Nikes approached moved away from only the sports and athlete market. Nike has adopted a varied market segment approach but still achieving uniqueness over its competitors. The new product line of Nike caters for all market segments and places strong emphasis on differentiated features. This new strategy continues to stay ahead of its competitors as it constantly stresses on innovation and improving. Nike also relies heavily on their brand which Is seen as a brand of high quality and value for

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