
Report on the Case Study Nike Essay

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Report on the Case Study Nike

This report has been produced to provide an insight into the consumer decision-making process, buyer behaviour factors that consumers of Nike are influenced by. The report also details recommendations based on the findings.

2.0 Summary ===========

The report is about Nike, regarding the case study. The report elaborates on the aspects including buyer behaviour, brand image, consumer decision making, and marketing research techniques applicable to Nike.

3.0 Introduction

Nike is the worlds number one sports shoe company. In the US Nike dominates 35% (source: see appendices) of the sports shoe market and its products are sold in more than 140 …show more content…

4.3 Extended Problem Solving

This decision making process would be apparent on consumers who's purpose for purchasing a Nike product is controlled by whether or not it suits their needs. This type of consumer would not be as concerned with branding, but whether it meets their requirements. The making process would be longer.

4.4 Routine Problem Solving

Nike's prominent and continuous advertising campaigns ensure that consumers in the youth market are aware of the brand, as greater awareness inevitably leads to greater sales. Once these sales are secures by consumers in the youth market their interest is maintained by further advertising, which leads to repeat purchase.

4.5 Variety Seeking Behaviour

Although Nike is the market leader in sports shoes, this doesn't guarantee consumers will switch to competitors alternatives. There are consumers who switch brands in an attempt to be different. This is often due to changes in fashion

4.6 Consumer Decision Making in the sports shoe market, for a running shoe:

Total Set

Awareness Set

Choice Set

Decision Set

All running shoes







New Balance

4.7 The basic decisions made by consumers are ignored by the majority

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