
The Lady Or The Tiger Short Stories

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A beautiful princess named Aurora laid sleeping in a castle in a far away land. Footsteps creaked in her bedroom. However, she was fast asleep and did not notice. It was Prince Phillip. He was a charming prince who was on a journey to find true love. As he crept closer and closer to the princess, he couldn’t help but fall in love with her beauty. He slowly inched in and planted a kiss on her lips. “So soft,” he thought to himself. Aurora awakes with a disgusted look on her face. “What do you think you’re doing?” Aurora screamed. The surprised prince stepped back in and moved towards the door. “Why princess, you were so beautiful, I had to kiss you in order to wake you up. After all, you are my true love.” He smiled as he pleaded with her. She …show more content…

“What in the heavens is going on here?” she questioned. “I’m Prince Phillip. I came here to bring home my princess. Aurora is now upset because I kissed her.” he pleaded. “Well.. did you have her consent?” the look on Maleficent's face was a look of pure rage. “Um.. no actually. She looked so beautiful, I couldn’t help myself.” He explained. “First of all,” Aurora continued, “I had a long day at work, so I was just resting my eyes before it was time for dinner. You have no right to enter my home, and assault me because you could not control yourself.” Phillip walked towards the door and down the stairs as he thought about his earlier actions. “But, you’re my princess!” The prince was confused. “Prince Phillip, I am a young woman, and I belong to no man,” she continued “Hopefully you learned from this, and hopefully you never do this again.” The prince apologized and pensively walked down the stairs never to be seen again. “Don’t touch women without consent; Don’t claim women as property,” he quietly thought to himself. This was a new concept for him. However, it was one that he never forgot. Legend has it that he went back to his kingdom and shared his new knowledge with all of his

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