
The Key Messages Of The Foundation Phase

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This assignment will be exploring how the key messages of the Foundation Phase are applied throughout all aspects of the curriculum. It will analyse childhood theorists’ sentiments about the Foundation Phase, the notion of play in learning, both indoor and outdoor, and Personal & Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity. The Foundation Phase is constructed to provide consistency to each child’s education during a crucial stage of their development. However, the consistency does not affect the challenge of the curriculum: Children are given more opportunities to enhance their knowledge through practical activities, open ended questions and problem-solving. The proposals made up by the Welsh Assembly Government [WAG] for the …show more content…

However, these seven areas should not be taught in isolation, the Foundation is intended to be cross-curricular. The seven areas of learning are: Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity, Language, Literacy and Communication skills, Mathematical Development, Welsh Language Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical Development and Creative Development. Personal & Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity Personal & Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity is notoriously referred to as being the “heart of the foundation phase” as the children’s abilities and knowledge are advanced across all seven areas of learning through experiential learning both indoors and outdoors. Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity helps the children acquire knowledge about themselves, the relationships they will encounter whilst as a child and as an adult and the diverse cultures which they live amongst or exist in other countries. The well-being of the child is a vital of learning however it is not just associated with the basic needs of the child, but also how relaxed the child is with the environment and themselves. The well-being of a child can be ensured by fulfilling the basic needs which were defined in the hierarchy of needs by Maslow. Abraham Maslow stressed the importance of focusing on the positive

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