As part of the Childcare Act 2006 and Every Child Matters every 3-4 year old is entitled to receive free part time education for 15 hours per week for 38 weeks a year. At this time government funding was made available to ensure that every child gets 2 years free education before school age. Under Section 39 of Childcare Act 2006 Early Years Foundation Stage was set out and came into force in Sept 2008. EYFS is distinct from Key Stage 1 as it is a flexible learning through play approach. This approach has been shown to be a very effective method in teaching younger children. Early Years Foundation Stage Education can be structured into 6 areas: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Communication, Language and Literacy • Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Physical Development …show more content…
Although it is †̃learning though playâ€TM this must be planned and have a purpose in order to be
■■ Learning and Development - recognises that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates, and that all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected.
In the UK all children aged between 3 and 4 years have the right to receive the minimum of 15 hours education which can be used between 3 and 5 days per week. There are many ways that this can be provided.
In 2006 all 3/4 year olds were entitled to up to 12.5 hours a week during term time free early years education. This was increased to 15 hours a week in September 2011.
As part of the Childcare Act 2006 and every child matters, all 3 and 4 year old children in England are able to receive free, part time early years education, up to 15 hours per week, for a school year of 38 weeks per year. Early year’s education follows the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance which was simplified in September 2012 and the Government funds local
*Social and emotional development: Children now begin to make friends, understand rules, they enjoy helping others and being given responsibility, they like routine and need structure.
The purpose of the EYFS is to ensure that all children have access to quality early years education. To measure this and to ensure practitioners have a focus for their work a series of outcomes is given for each area of learning, these are the early learning goals.
Stage/Area of development | Physical development | Communication and intellectual development | Social, emotional and behavioural development |
Physical Development: Large Motor Skills; Jump with feet together, walk on tip toes Throw a ball with aim and walk up and down the stairs. Fine Motor Skills; painting, threading beads on a lace, gain control over food utensils, use scissors and hold pencil to draw house and
There are a number of early years options for children aged 0-5yrs, and since the childcare act (2006)has come into play.children between the age of 3 and 4 yrs are entitled for these two years for 15 hours a week, 38 weeks of the year free early year care.
*Learning and development- Every child is different and develops in their own way in their own time. Learning and development is key for all children including those whose different is delayed and those with physical impairment.
1. Personal, social and emotional development: This area is all about developing a positive sense of self and respect for others, social skills including dressing, undressing and washing, as well as having an enthusiasm for learning.
The Childcare Act 2006 which is about duties on local authorities, regulation and inspection for childcare providers in England and other general provisions, could undoubtedly be an excellent foundation for a good quality service for young children.
2. EYFS The Childcare Act provides for the EYFS which is mandatory for all Early Years Settings. The EYFS statutory framework sets both learning and development requirements, and safeguarding and welfare requirements. It fully supports equality, diversity and inclusion.
As part of the Every Child Matters and Childcare Act 2006 all children aged three and four in England are entitled to 15 hours per week of early years education for free. The local authority is provided with government funds to enable that early years education is provided for children for up to two years of free education over 38 weeks of the year, parents will also have the option to pay for additional hours if and when they require them.
The Foundation Phase of the curriculum is the curriculum which has been set for children between the ages of 3 and 7. It has been based around the creativity and imagination of the child to help with meeting developmental needs of the child. In 2008 the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) decided to bring together the Early Years curriculum with the 5-7 years curriculum, which created the Framework for Children’s Learning for 3 to 7-year olds in Wales (The Framework). The Framework clearly states what all children should be taught and what outcomes should be expected from the children. The Framework also outlines the curriculum for the 7 areas of learning. “The 7 areas of learning are: