
The Key Elements Of The Organizational Culture At Starbucks

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Starbucks is one of the most successful coffee chain which was founded in the year 1971 in the Seattle’s Pike Place market. This small stores tend to offer the best bean coffees in the city and draws the customers. In the year 1981, Howard Shultz became a part of the franchise. Since the early years, Starbucks garnered the attention which many companies desired. Further, numerous start-up companies aimed to emulate the success of Starbucks, but failed to reach even closer to that kind of success. There existed numerous factors and important decisions which made Starbucks a success in the past. This paper will be focusing on the key elements of the organizational culture at Starbucks along with the effective decision making process. The …show more content…

Innovation: Starbucks has strived to gain an edge over its competitors. This is done by creating innovative methods to provide efficient products and improved services to the customers (Simon, 2009). The degree of innovation at Starbucks had continued to increase as the years have passed by. The new recruits are encouraged to increase the efficiency of the products and services at the company.
Contribution to the Society: Starbucks actively exercises Corporate Social Responsibility and the profits are made ethically. Further, the manufacturing processes at Starbucks are environment friendly. The stakeholders value such practices at the organization. “We’re finding ways to minimise our environmental footprint, tackle climate change and inspire others to do the same” (Starbucks, 2017). Starbucks is also partnered with American Red Cross and various other NGOs.
Respecting the Diversity: Starbucks acknowledges the significance of diversity at in the organization. Starbucks aim to create an atmosphere where each and every individual is treated with respect and dignity regardless of their race, social background, gender or color. The diverse working force at Starbucks has been a huge contributor to the success of the organization.
Effectiveness of Management
The success of Starbucks is evident of the effective management practices at Starbucks. There remains a significant role played by the management in maintaining a healthy and amicable environment at the

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