In this assignment I intend to explore the issues surrounding the idea of immunization. “The purpose of immunization is to prevent people from acquiring infectious diseases and to protect them against the associated short- and longer- term complications” (Cory, 2012). Vaccines produce a specific immune response to build resistance against infectious diseases (Government of South Australia, 2012). There are two main perspectives surrounding this issue, for and against receiving injections. Those who support immunization believe the risk is minimal because the benefits exceed the negative effects that may occur from the injections. However, other people feel there is huge risk involved because the injections will not increase immunity levels and the possibilities of negative reactions are too great of risk. This conflict of perceptions is related to the way people perceive cognitive limitations, the psychometric paradigm and the axiomatic paradigm; these include factors such as dread, control and voluntariness. A great influence on these perceptions is health professionals’ communication strategies, who target social media, advertisements and reports.
The concept of risk means different things to different people. “In order to make decisions wisely, individuals need to understand the risks and the benefits associated with alternative courses of action.” (Baruch Fischhoff, 1993). Many health risks can arise from an individual’s subjective judgment, as people interpret their
All around the world, human lives are being lost due to preventable diseases whose spread could be slowed through immunization. As such, I am proud to, as Pro, support legislation that would make immunization mandatory.
Imagine traveling to the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Disneyland, with your family. While you are there a person that has not been vaccinated is walking around with the measles virus in their system. While that person shows no signs or symptoms of the measles, they are infecting others that haven’t been vaccinated, due to young age or other purposes. Now what turned out to be many people’s family vacations is now a life-threatening situation for some. This type of outbreak actually occurred during December of 2014, where 40 Californians were exposed to the measles at Disneyland and 91 additional cases of the outbreak strain also occurred from the people exposed affecting others (Blumberg et al, 2015). Outbreaks likes this can potentially be
Throughout history, vaccinations have been used to help the prevention of infectious diseases; some of which can produce serious illnesses, crippling disabilities, and ultimately be the cause of death. There is evidence of ancient culture’s attempting to treat transmittable diseases with various forms of inoculations. Developments in the research of vaccinations increased during the mid-twentieth century because of the established of more advanced laboratories, improved equipment, and new innovations. The progression of medicine during history has helped further the development of research into vaccinations. Several cultural, ethical, and religious issues have resulted from the development and use of vaccinations in our society. The topic of vaccinations has caused a strong debate amongst our culture about the safety and danger of treating infectious diseases with such methods.
The intended purpose of this presentation is to provide facts and scientific research that persuades the audience members regarding the use of vaccinations. My intention is that the audience will support the use of vaccinations and consider the facts before making decisions that affect the entire community. My central idea is that inaccurate data exists with regards to vaccination; instead, that vaccinations should be viewed as essential for protection of society, both from extreme illness as well as life threatening, and sometimes fatal, diseases.
I agreed , Vaccination as a preventive measure should be offered to everyone at not cost. Unfortunately, a citizen in order to have access to a health care service must have any kind of insurance that will cover essential benefits. Under the new healthcare law preventive medicine play a significant role so individual who acquired a plan are able to get vaccinations, screening test, and counseling, without paying a copay, coinsurance or a deductible, however not everyone will qualify for a health care plan and many citizens do not have access to the service. The Affordable Care Act is projecting to have more enrollment this year approximately 1.1 million more so 9 million of them will be old customers , 1 million of new customers that
The argument encompassing whether or not parents should vaccinate their children is ongoing. It is a very interesting matter to learn about and I possess some strong feelings about the case. This issue interests me because there are parents who don’t have their children vaccinated, and there are parents who do have them vaccinated. But all these parents share one particular quality: they all would like for their kids to be safe.
A wise Welsh man once said, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” But, can that also be said about immunizations? According to the Medilexicon medical dictionary, “an immunization is the action of making a person or animal immune to infection, typically by inoculation.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides a more technical definition of immunizations by defining them as “the creation of immunity usually against a particular disease, treatment (as by vaccination) of an organism for the purpose of making it immune to a particular pathogen.” Most people feel that immunizations are a very important part of a health care regimen and should be mandatory for the majority of individuals. But over the past several years, questions have
Smallpox and measles and mumps, oh my. These diseases we thought we had terminated when vaccines were invented are making a comeback due to parents not vaccinating their young children. Vaccination started as early as the 1800s with smallpox, and as the disease began to decline, the government’s vaccination policies declined as well. As that series of events occurred, parents have decided vaccinating their children is not necessary, leading to the deadly return of these diseases. The government mandating childhood vaccinations is vital to the Nation’s well-being to ensure proper health and safety from diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and human papilloma virus.
The Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus responsible for cervical cancer. It is one the most common viral sexually transmitted infections. A vaccine was approved in 2006 that is effective in preventing the types of HPV responsible for 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts. Proposals for routine and mandatory HPV vaccination of girls have become sources of controversy for parents of school-aged youth, legislators, members of the medical community, and the public at large (Cooper et al. 2010).
The pros and cons of children immunization is my topic because being in the medical field it is my duty and responsibility to educate parents about the vaccinations which child is receiving and be able to explain to the parents what the vaccination is for and how to protect their child from illness or deadly diseases. According to MedlinePlus website the meaning of immunization (vaccination) is a way to trigger your immune system and prevent serious, life threatening diseases.17
The use of drugs have not been properly handled by the general population. People of ages from eighteen to thirty six have misused drugs the most. People buy, sell and use drugs illegally, which is already irresponsible. The use of drugs incorrectly are one of the leading reasons for death in the United States. Precisely because of the improper use of drugs, the government should not legalize all drugs.
There are very different types of toys marketed for boys and girls. I noticed very distinct differences in the toys during my research for about an hour on Monday night while on Toys “R” Us online. These different types of toys teach different roles and norms to each gender. They teach boys and girls to socialize differently. The differences in the toys between boys and girls can be applied to topics we have discussed in class.
Introduction: Public health achievements in the areas of vaccinations to prevent disease, disease prevention and control, laws to limit the consumption of tobacco, maternal and infant health, and cardiovascular disease are achievements on their own. With public health, improvements in one area often have an effect on a different area of public health. Improvements in vaccinations, for example, will improve maternal and infant health as a reduced number of mothers and infants will fall ill from diseases preventable by vaccination. In addition, vaccinations control the spread of infectious disease, and reduce the incidence rate of the disease in a population.
During the 20th century, the infectious disease death rate decreased from 800/1000 deaths to less than 100/1000 deaths. This is mainly due to the introduction of immunisation. Vaccination has clearly prevented millions of deaths over the last century; nevertheless, the anti-vaccination movement has grown significantly in recent years. Some of the reasons why people join this movement include the belief that vaccines don’t actually work, the belief that vaccines are unnatural and therefore unhealthy and the belief that vaccines contain toxins that cause bodily damage and neuropsychiatric problems (eg. Autism). This essay will discredit the beliefs associated with the anti vaccination movement through infectious disease statistics,
Vaccines have always been a controversial topic, to whether they are required all the way down to what they are composed of. It has been an ongoing battle since the 1970s and continues to make headlines even in this year of 2015 with the measles outbreak from Disneyland. Even now, many still believe that vaccinations can cause autism and choose not to vaccinate their children for that reason or another. Vaccinations are critical and need to be required for children before entering public schools.