
The Influencing Machine Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Brooke Gladstone and Josh Neufeld are the authors of the article “The Influencing Machines”. This article is about technology and is written through a comic-style form. Gladstone’s main idea on this article is that we should not fear technology. Gladstone’s and Neufeld’s comic-style article about technology is the best way to convey her argument because it gives visuals to express her argument, has a different form of arrangement of her details and thesis, and she gives examples of modern technology that should not scare us.
In her comic-style article you can see there is a lot of visuals as you go through the reading. The visuals throughout the article helps the readers get her ideas more clearly than a regular article with no images. For example, on the first page of the article she talks about homophily and even though she gives the definition before the word, the picture of her in a flock of birds can help the reader understand and visually see that homophily means the groups we associate ourselves that have similar views to us. Not only do the visuals help the reader understand her argument but it also makes the reader look more …show more content…

For instance, Gladstone mentions how facial recognition features in our phones are actually helpful because it recognizes anyone and “no one ever has to be a stranger”. She also says how there is contact lenses that can block out anything you do not want to see. With this being said she convinces the reader that not only should we not be scared of technology but also inform us on how it can be helpful. This was a good decision to provide examples because it gives the reader knowledge on how technology is not supposed to be scary but actually helpful. This is one of the best choices she made to convey her argument because it makes her article be more focused on why she believes modern technology is not something we should fear to the

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