
The Influence Of Service Learning Projects And Volunteering

Decent Essays

Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” If there is one thing in my life that I absolutely could not live without it would be helping others. The act of giving to others and helping people out is what fuels my life. It is what gets me out of bed in the morning. That being said, if I could only do one thing for the rest of my life it would be helping others whether through volunteering, working, donating, or by other means. I want to have a positive influence on others. Service learning projects and volunteering are excellent ways to accomplish my goal. I want to help people and enlighten them to the bliss of giving back. It is sad that hate and selfishness get advertised seemingly more than kindness and love. …show more content…

I need to change that. And I do believe that it can be done even if I have to start as small as smiling at one more person a day. Participating in volunteer work and service learning projects are an amazing way to help start a movement of kindness. They are a gateway to bigger and better things. I hope one day to make a big enough difference, to create a movement so great that it resonates worldwide. I try to keep that in the back of my mind at all times. In reality, I realize that something that big takes a long time to accomplish and I am not sure I know the proper way to execute that. That means for now I will stick to service learning projects put on through the college and volunteering when and where I can. My plans for the rest of this year and the New Year are to continue helping out the Birdville Cooners with their conservation efforts, assisting VFW post #5803 with their annual Christmas party, and I plan to finally volunteer at the Van Wert Humane

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