The film shown in class shines light towards the culture of Rwandans and the use of a traditional instrument called the inanga, and the music that is associated with it the inanga is the main instrument featured in the film. It is an instrument used by the Tutsi ethnic group. The film centers on the inanga and a few musicians who are prominent inanga players. This representation differs from how the course is typically presented as the class is given equal representation when there are multiple parties in play. The main ethnic groups in Rwanda, Tutsi and Hutu, have an extremely unpleasant past. The Hutus killed many hundreds of thousands of Tutsi and moderate Hutus. The film is a documentary focusing specifically on the Tutsi way of life, and Tutsi heritage. Although the film centers on, the Inanga it differs from the way information is presented during class; while in the film it only represents one ethnic group in class, multiple viewpoints presented. The film very clearly portrays the traditional Tutsi way of life. The issue with only giving the Tutsis representation is that the Hutus are not well represented, not at all, in the film. The film discusses some of the atrocities that happened during the genocide. During the interviews in the film, many of the musicians want to move past the genocide and live together as if nothing happened. The Hutus are, unintentionally, presented as an evil ethnic group, even though the overall theme is to move past the genocide and
In Hotel Rwanda there are two sides to the community. The Tutsi and the Hutu, a division made by Belgian colonizers. Apparently the lighter and taller Rwandans were treated better in the duration of the Belgians visit, these were the Tutsi. But after leaving, this conflict continued on for the rest 20th century and well into the 21st. But to some, the division is pointless, given that they were and will always will
2. I believe that the quote "the person whose throat you do not cutwill be the one who cuts yours." originated from a Hutu extremist that wanted to exite hate in the minds of Hutus; also, to help loose the humanity in Hutus so killing will become easier. To counter act this there should be frequant reminders that Tutsis are not all horrible people.
The two ethnic groups that were include in the Rwanda Genocide was the Tutsis and Hutus. The Tutsis were the minority population in Rwanda, but they held all the positions of authority. On the other hand, the Hutu made up around 85% of Rwanda’s population, but held no political power, they were denied higher education and land ownership. The size of the nose and the color of the eyes were the factors that determined whether a person was Hutu or Tutsi. The Tutsis disapprove of the colonial rule of the Belgians and demanded to become more independent. After World War II, the Tutsis felt impatient and that it was time they took matters in their own hands to pursuit their independence. In 1959, the tension and violence between the Tutsis and Hutus were greatly increased.
As a Hutu, Paul is expected to despise the Tutsi’s and to be a part of the violence and
Viewing the perpetrators of vile deeds as motivated merely by evil is a gross oversimplification. In the introduction, Jean Hatzfield states that the story will follow the lives of the killers: the Hutu men who perpetrated the Rwandan genocide and murdered their Tutsi neighbors en masse. The narration style switches between chapters written in third person omniscient style and chapters composed of many short sections of first person narratives from the perspectives of the Hutu men interviewed by the author. The third person chapters provide context for the stories of the Hutus, while the numerous stories themselves add a personal element that reveals the thoughts and mindsets of the Hutu’s who participated in one of the largest and most
Thesis: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen, and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day.
The continent of Africa has been continually engaged in civil, tribal and cross national conflicts from colonial independence up until present day. What historians regard as the most ‘efficient genocide’ in history, occurred in a mere 100 days in the small central African country of Rwanda. The Hutus and the Tutsis, two ethnic groups within Rwanda, have been at continual unrest for the past half a century. During the 100 day massacre of 1994, a murder occurred every two seconds; resulting in 18% of the Tutsi population being killed. A decade after the war, in 2004, the film Hotel Rwanda was released. The film followed the story of a Hutu man; Paul Rusesabagina as he housed over 1200 Tutsi refugees in his hotel. The Hotel De Milles
Ina May, looking to rub salt in Lucius’s embarrassing wound said, “Lucius, honey, what was that you were telling me earlier about calling people sir?”
Until the late 19th century, which was to say until European Colonization, Tutsis people were represented as the aristocratic upper classes. (Hutus) people were represented as the peasant masses. The European people brought with them an idea of race science, and people took this tradition structure and made it more extreme and more polarized into a some sort of sytem. Identity cards were issued and (Tutsis) people were privileged for all things and Hutus people were made into a very oppressed mass.
They were going to get revenge, one way or another. Theme 4 is Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems which means the creation of agricultural and pastoral production, trade, labor systems, industrialization etc. In the beginning of the movie, the Hutus were controlling the Tutsis and made them work under them. But once the revolt began, the Hutus were either being killed or had to be a slave for the Tutsis. Theme 5 is Development and Transformation of Social Structures, which means the development of gender roles, family and kinship, racial and ethic constructions and social and economic classes. In the movie, the social status of the Tutsis were basically slaves. They were the under dogs and were treated less than the Hutus. The development of the Tutsis began throughout the movie, from the under dogs, being controlled to controlling the Hutus and being above them. The main causes of the Rwandan Civil War were the horrible living conditions, the UN not really caring about the violence in Rwanda and the Hutus treating the Tutsis like slaves and not treating them as equals.
The many tears that stream down my face cry for the generations of my kids to come. I sit here as an innocent victimized Tutsi woman, to tell you my story of the Rwandan genocide and how it impacted my people. Through many years of pain and suffering I sit here before you to relieve my anger and install my knowledge of why the Belgium through colonization only installed more love in me toward my people and hatred towards me for not being able to help my people. My name is Immaculee Ilibagiza a Tutsi woman and this is my survival, comfort story.
The movie starts with a radio announcer saying that Tutsis took Hutu land, and they are cockroaches and murderers. He states that Hutus are the majority, and that the infestation of Tutsi traitors and invaders will be squashed.
To really understand the Rwandan Genocide and the Final Solution, one must understand the background of the two exterminated peoples. The Tutsis are an ethnic group that resides in the African Great Lakes region. During the Europeans settlements in Rwanda, the colonists need an identifier to separate the population of Rwanda. Belgium settlers defined “Tutsi”
The distinction between the Hutu and Tutsi was not just the ethnic roots but was also the socio economic factor. The movie Hotel Rwanda (2004) also depicted that there was no social distinctions between the Hutus
The book Illegal, may be a fiction story, but contains many real-life examples of true and famous conflicts taken place in the world. While one of the many conflicts in the country of Zantoroland where Keita runs from, the biggest issues is the race divide between the Faloo and Kano people. The minority, the Faloo are given more powerful jobs, and higher education. While the Kano, are very poor and live in bad conditions unlike the Faloo, yet are the majority. The kano believe they deserve more power and that Faloo’s are an abomination in their country and don’t deserve what they have. This ethnic conflict very much resembles the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which the Faloo’s represent the Tutsi and the Hutus the Kano. Due to Hutu’s resembling more strong “African features” such as big noses and normal height, British rulers in charge of Rwanda, favored the Tutsi’s more as they are tall, skinny and look more European in comparison. Tutsis were given better jobs and standard of life while they were the minority, enraging the Hutu population, who was less educated in broader terms and wanted their country to be theirs’s. The long ethic divide lead to Hutus murdering their